In GNU Health we strive to have a system free of bugs and issues, but we know that is not possible :)
This chapter addresses those issues that may impair the installation or upgrade process.
Context: Installation (gnuhealth-setup)
Issue : GNU Health installer needs to be updated due to incompatibility of Werkzeug 1.0 with Trytond Kernel 5.0
Make sure you complete the step of downloading and installing the latest gnuhealth-setup as described in the installation documentation. The gnuhealth-setup version must be 3.6.2 or later. $ gnuhealth-setup version
Context: Upgrade process
Issue: Error when migrating the product templates and/or categories.
- Run the script upgrade_34.sql as documented in the upgrade process for 3.4
- Execute the following SQL commands, as indicated in the Tryton migration
delete from ir_property where res like 'product.category,%' and SUBSTRING(res, POSITION(',' IN res) + 1)::integer not in (select id from product_category);
delete from ir_property where res like 'product.template,%' and SUBSTRING(res, POSITION(',' IN res) + 1)::integer not in (select id from product_template);