This section is limited to citable documents. URLs and references of a more general nature should be placed elsewhere.
Official GLPK documentation
The official GLPK documentation is contained within each official GLPK distribution. The key documents are:
Topic | Comment | |
doc/glpk.pdf | GLPK reference manual | also covers the C language application programming interface (API) |
doc/gmpl.pdf | GNU MathProg modeling language | MathProg is sometimes known as GMPL |
doc/graphs.pdf | GLPK graph and network routines | network programming support |
doc/cnfsat.pdf | CNF-SAT problems | special case boolean satisfiability problem support |
The same doc directory contains a number of other PDF and text files of a more specialist nature.
These official documents change with each release to reflect developments. These documents are intentionally not available from this site in order to reduce the maintenance overhead and latency. Note instead the instructions for downloading GLPK tarballs.
Third-party GLPK papers and reports
The IBM developerWorks site issued a set of excellent howto's in 2006:
- Ceron, Rodrigo (08 August 2006). "The GNU Linear Programming Kit, Part 1: Introduction to linear optimization". IBM. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-glpk1/.
- Ceron, Rodrigo (07 Sep 2006). "The GNU Linear Programming Kit, Part 2: Intermediate problems in linear programming". IBM. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-glpk2/.
- Ceron, Rodrigo (14 Nov 2006). "The GNU Linear Programming Kit, Part 3: Advanced problems and elegant solutions". IBM. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-glpk3/.
And more recently:
- Sottinen, Tommi (2009). Operations research with GNU Linear Programming Kit. ORMS1020 course notes. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Vaasa, Finland. http://lipas.uwasa.fi/~tsottine/lecture_notes/or.pdf. — Tommi Sottinen’s course notes on operations research and GPLSOL provide an excellent introduction to coding in MathProg.
- Pryor, Jennifer; Chinneck, John W (2011), "Faster integer-feasibility in mixed-integer linear programs by branching to force change", Computers and Operations Research 38 (8): 1143-1152, doi:10.1016/j.cor.2010.10.025 — this publication describes changes to GLPK 4.28 to test novel MILP branching techniques.
- Eleyat, M.; Natvig, L.; Amundsen, J. (18-21 Sept. 2011). "Cache-aware matrix multiplication on multicore systems for IPM-based LP solvers". 2011 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS),. pp. 431-438. http://proceedings.fedcsis.org/fedcsis2011/223.pdf. — this publication describes cache aware matrix multiplication algorithms implemented in GLPK 4.43.
Linear programming more generally
- Applegate, David L.; Bixby, Robert E.; Cook, William J. (2007). The Traveling Salesman Problem: A Computational Study. Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691129932.
- Dantzig, George Bernhard (1998). Linear Programming and Extensions. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691059136. — A basic text in linear programming and the solution of systems of linear equalities. The subjects covered include the concepts, origins and formulations of linear programs, and the simplex method of solution as applied to the price concept, matrix games, and transportation problems. Also included is sufficient background on convex sets and linear spaces to enable a discussion of topics such as duality, variants of the simplex method, and the extensions of linear programming to convex programs, to programming under uncertainty, and to certain network, topological, and combinatorial problems that may be framed as linear inequalities with integer-valued variables. Parts of an older edition are available online at http://www.rand.org/pubs/reports/R366.
- Desaulniers, Guy; Desrosiers, Jacques; Solomon, Marius M. (2005). Column Generation. Springer. ISBN 1441937994.
- Fischetti, Matteo; Glover, Fred; Lodi, Andrea (2005), "The feasibility pump", Mathematical Programming 104 (1): 91-104, http://www.dei.unipd.it/~fisch/papers/feasibility_pump.pdf
- Kellerer, Hans; Pferschy, Ulrich; Pferschy, David (2004). Knapsack Problems. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-540-40286-1.
- Schrijver, Alexander (1998). Theory of Linear and Integer Programming. Wiley Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0471982326.
Linear programming modeling languages
- Fourer, Robert; Gay, David M.; Kerninghan, Brian W. (2002). AMPL - A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming (2nd ed.). Brooks/Cole. ISBN 0534388094.
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