This page lists Linux packages for GLPK.
The use of packaged software avoids the need for manual compilation and installation. But be aware that package versions often trail the current version by quite a number of releases. Consult the release information to see what you are missing!
Debian packages
GLPK is available as a Debian package. The Debian package system is used by Ubuntu. If you have administrator rights, the following call should install GLPK in its entirety:
$ sudo apt-get install glpk
If you only want GLPSOL, the following call is sufficient:
$ sudo apt-get install glpk-utils
In any case, confirm GLPSOL:
$ glpsol --version GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver 4.38
Note that GLPK 4.44 was current at the time of the above installation — a lag of 6 releases.
RPM packages
The Fedora distro typically offers separate RPM packages for the GLPK callable library and for GLPSOL. To install both use:
$ sudo dnf install glpk-utils
Confirm GLPSOL, if you installed it:
$ glpsol --version GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.43
RPM package maintenance for GLPK seems to be generally responsive.