This page describes a C++ class that wraps the C-style GLPK vectors ia, ja, and ar. The class can be used directly with C++ or via language bindings for Java and R created with SWIG.
IAJAAR.H project
IAJAAR.H is a small project that provides the specialized triple container class IAJAAR. The purpose of this C++ class is to offer more convenient problem build calls than those available using straight C code. The author is Nigel Galloway.
C++ class IAJAAR definition
The C++ IAJAAR class definition is:
// File: 'iajaar.h'
// Provides: C++ class 'IAJAAR'
class IAJAAR
int * xia;
int * xja;
double * xar;
int entry;
int maxSize;
~IAJAAR(); // destructor, deallocate memory
IAJAAR(int s); // constructor, s is maximum array length
const int * ia(); // return C-style int array
const int * ja(); // return C-style int array
const double * ar(); // return C-style double array
void Add(int row, int col, double value);
int ne(); // return number of entries
The member function IAJAAR::Add
adds 3-tuples
(triples) in the form (row, col, value).
The respective arrays can be later retrieved using the member
functions IAJAAR::ia
, IAJAAR::ja
and IAJAAR::ar
. The member function IAJAAR::ne
returns the current number of entries.
IAJAAR is designed to work with the following GLPK routine:
void glp_load_matrix(glp_prob *lp, int ne, const int ia[], const int ja[], const double ar[]);
It would be possible to reformulate class IAJAAR using std::vector
s internally.
That would omit the need to pre-specify the maximum size s in advance, although an optional
hint could be given.
C++ usage
Usage with C++ is straightforward — no special language bindings are required. A description of the underlying problem is can be found on the project website.
// File: 'igst10yo.cpp'
// An example of using IAJAAR.H with GLPK in C++.
// Usage: 'igst10yo.cpp 6.5 7' will calculate 6.5 divided by 7.
// Nigel Galloway / July 2009
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "iajaar.h" // see above on wikipage
#include "glpk.h"
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
double Q = atof(argv[1]);
int N = atoi(argv[2]);
IAJAAR * igst10yo = new IAJAAR(5*N);
glp_prob * lp = glp_create_prob();
// col 1 is M
// cols 2 .. N+1 is a sample of N numbers which sum to Q
// cols N+2 .. 2*N+1 are v[1..N]
for(int i=1; i<=2*N+1; i++) glp_set_col_bnds(lp,i,GLP_FR,0,0);
try {
for(int i=1; i<=N; i++) {
} catch (char * error) {
std::cout << error << std::endl;
double Result = glp_get_col_prim(lp,1);
std::cout << "The arithmetic mean of a sample of " << N
<< " numbers whose sum is " << Q << " is " << Result
<< std::endl;
delete igst10yo;
return 0;
Python usage
IAJAAR can be used with Python. This February 2011 posting explains more.
Java usage
Java usage requires dedicated language bindings. Unlike the C++ example, Q and N are hardcoded.
File: ''
Usage: 'java -classpath IAJAAR_JAVA.jar;GLPK_JAVA.jar;. gmst10yo'
will calculate 22 divided by 7.
Modify Q and N below to try alternatives.
Nigel Galloway / July 2009
import org.gnu.glpk.*;
public class gmst10yo {
static {
public static void main(String argv[]) {
double Q = 22;
int N = 7;
IAJAAR t = new IAJAAR(3*N);
glp_prob lp = GLPK.glp_create_prob();
/* col 1 is M
cols 2 .. N+1 are S[n]
for(int i=1; i<=N+1; i++) GLPK.glp_set_col_bnds(lp,i,GLPK.GLP_FR,0,0);
for(int i=2; i<=N; i++){
double Result = GLPK.glp_get_col_prim(lp,1);
System.out.println("The arithmetic mean of a sample of " + N
+ " numbers which sum to " + Q + " is " + Result);
R usage
R usage requires dedicated language bindings. Unlike the C++ example, Q and N are hard-coded.
# File: 'gist10yo.R' # Nigel Galloway / July 2009 dyn.load(paste("GLPK_R", .Platform$dynlib.ext, sep="")) source("GLPKconstants.R") source("GLPK_R.R") cacheMetaData(1) Q <- 22 N <- 7 t <- IAJAAR(6) lp <- glp_create_prob() glp_add_rows(lp,3) # col 1 is M # col 2 is v1 # col 3 is v2 glp_add_cols(lp,3) glp_set_col_bnds(lp,1,GLP_FR,0,0) glp_set_col_bnds(lp,2,GLP_FR,0,0) glp_set_col_bnds(lp,3,GLP_FR,0,0) IAJAAR_Add(t,1,1,1) IAJAAR_Add(t,1,2,1) IAJAAR_Add(t,2,1,1) IAJAAR_Add(t,2,3,1) IAJAAR_Add(t,3,2,1) IAJAAR_Add(t,3,3,N-1) glp_set_row_bnds(lp,1,GLP_FX,Q,Q) glp_set_row_bnds(lp,2,GLP_FX,0,0) glp_set_row_bnds(lp,3,GLP_FX,0,0) loadMatrix(t,lp); delete(t) if (glp_simplex(lp,t)==0) { R <- glp_get_col_prim(lp,1) print(sprintf("The arithmetic mean of a sample of %f numbers which sum to %f is %f",N,Q,R)) } else { print("No solution") }
Further information is available from the project website. In particular, the source code for iajaar.cpp is worth reviewing.