For the latest specification (syllabus) see this page of the AQA's website.
The overall subject content is the same as for 2007, but there are changing to deal with the changes to tiers.
Assessment Objectives
These are the four assessment objectives:
AO1: Using and applying mathematics
AO2: Number and algebra
AO3: Shape, space and measures
AO4: Handling data
AO1 is assessed in contexts provided by other Assessment Objectives.
Internal assessment
This is compulsory. It comprises half the marks for AO1 and AO4 (the other halves being from written papers). A04 has a handling data task, A01 has an investigative task, which assesses AO1 in the context of AO2 and/or AO3.
Mark Scheme
The written papers are structured so that 50% of marks are focused on the lowest two grades available, with 25-30% being focused on the top two grades.
Paper 1
Written, no calculator. 40% of total marks. Foundation Tier - 1.5 hours, Higher Tier - 2 hours. All questions compulsory, question and answer book provided. Marked out of 100.
Paper 2
Written, calculator. 40% of total marks. Foundation Tier - 1.3 hours, Higher Tier - 2 hours. All questions compulsory, question and answer book provided. Marked out of 100.
20% of total marks. Either Centre/AQA-set tasks, Centre marked or AQA-set tasks, AQA marked. Marked out of 48.