< GBA Development
- Tonc, a tutorial on GBA programming by Jasper Vijn
- Damian Yerrick. Pin Eight: "Game Boy Advance Software Development".
Other Wikibooks on console platform development:
- PSP Programming
- Nintendo Wii Programming (coming someday)
- N64 Programming
- Xbox 360
- Game Creation with XNA for the Xbox 360
Other Wikibooks:
- Emulation has a list of emulators for the Game Boy and Game Boy Advanced -- Game Boy emulators that run on Linux, Game Boy emulators and Game Boy Advance emulators that run on OSX, etc.
Other Wiki resources:
- "the Gameboy Development Wiki".
- "GameBoy Advance Barebones" on the OS Dev wiki.
- "Pascal on the Game Boy Advance" on the Free Pascal wiki.
Other resources:
- "Gameboy Development on Mac OS X".
- Amit Singh. "UNIX on the Game Boy Advance".
- Loirak. "Gameboy Programming and Gameboy Advance Development"
- "GameBoy Developers Kit" (GBDK)
- Stack Overflow questions tagged 'gameboy'
- "Duo's GameBoy ASMSchool"
- "Making Gameboy games: installing the GBDK compiler in Ubuntu Linux".
- Chris Antonellis. "Gameboy Programming Resources".
- Howard Wen. "GBA Programming with DevKit Advance".
- "CowBite Virtual Hardware Specifications" describes low-level details of the hardware emulated by one GBA emulator, which in theory should work the same as the actual physical hardware of the GBA.
- "GameBoy Dev'rs".
- Patrick Meade. "Homebrew Engineer's Notebook: Game Boy Advance Development".
- "GBAGuy's Lair" includes some GBA ASM Tutorials.
- Doug Lanford. "Game Boy Development".
- "Gambatte". "an accuracy-focused, open-source, cross-platform Game Boy Color emulator".
- "DMGBoy (Dot Matrix Game Boy)". a Game Boy / Game Boy Color emulator.
- "GBA dev".
- "Gameboy Advance Development in Linux"
- "Porting Nut/OS for the GameBoy Advance"
- "Towers of Hanoi implemented for Nintendo's Gameboy Advance hand-held system."
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