An English speaker should not find French pronunciation too difficult, but it is easy to start mispronouncing French words which have a similar spelling to English words. There are also many different letter combinations which can produce a particular sound and also many silent letters, so it is often difficult to tell how a word should be spelled just from the sound of it. To assist the student, this book makes extensive use of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) which is used in many dictionaries to show the correct pronunciation. By convention, pronunciation is shown bracketed by “/” characters.
These are generally like English, but with the following modifications.
Dental Consonants
The letters d, l, n, s, t and z are pronounced with the tip of the tongue against the lower teeth and the middle of the tongue against the roof of the mouth. In English, one would pronounce these letters with the tip of the tongue at the roof of one's mouth. (It is very difficult to pronounce a word like 'voudrais' properly with the d formed in the English manner.)
b & p
Unlike English, when you pronounce the letters 'b' and 'p' in French, little to no air should come out of your mouth. If you're an English speaker, say the word 'pit' and then the word 'spit' out loud. Did you notice the extra puff of air in the first word that doesn't come with the second? The 'p' in 'pit' is aspirated [pʰ]; the 'p' in 'spit' is not (like the 'p' in any position in French).
The French “r” sound is produced at the back of the throat, as when gargling. (This is the “official” pronunciation, but there is a lot of regional variation with some dialects being more like English.)
The French “sh” sound is pronounced as in English but is spelled with “ch”. e.g.
château | /ʃato/ | castle |
gauche | /ɡoʃ/ | left |
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This is the “zh” sound like in English “leisure” which can be spelled with “g” or “j” in different words. e.g.
rouge | /ʀuʒ/ | red |
cage | /kaʒ/ | goal |
claquage | /klakaʒ/ | hamstring injury |
jaune | /ʒon/ | yellow |
juge | /ʒyʒ/ | judge (linesman) |
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This is the “s” sound is produced by the letters “s” and “c” as in English, and can also be produced by the letter “ç” and sometimes by “x”. e.g.
surface | /syʀfas/ | (penalty) area |
blessure | /blesyʀ/ | injury |
brassard | /bʀasaʀ/ | armband |
déçu | /desy/ | disappointed |
six | /sis/ | six |
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This is the sound normally produced by the letter “x”. e.g.
laxiste | /laksist/ | lax |
mixte | /mikst/ | combined |
extrémité | /ɛkstʀemite/ | end |
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This is like the English “z” sound, and is produced by the letters “s” and “z”. e.g.
ciseau | /sizo/ | scissor (kick) |
dispositif | /dispozitif/ | plan, operation |
physique | /fizik/ | build |
osé | /oze/ | daring |
zone | /zon/ | (relegation) zone |
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This is the sound at the front of the English word “yellow” which in French can be produced by the letters “i”, “y”, “l” and “ll”. e.g.
pied | /pje/ | foot |
tibia | /tibja/ | shin |
yeux | /jø/ | eyes |
travail | /tʀavaj/ | work |
maillot | /majo/ | shirt |
cafouillage | /kafujaʒ/ | scramble |
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This is the sound normally produced by the letters “gn” which sounds like the “ny” in the English word “canyon”.
ligne | /liɲ/ | line |
poignet | /pwaɲɛ/ | wrist |
signer | /siɲe/ | to sign |
gagner | /ɡaɲe/ | to win |
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Silent Consonants
In French, certain consonants are silent when they are the final letter of a word. The letters p (as in 'coup'), s (as in 'dos'), t (as in 'court'), d (as in 'grand), and x (as in 'locaux'), are generally not pronounced at the end of a word. They are pronounced if there is a letter e added at the end ('coupe', 'dose', 'courte', 'grande', etc.) There are exceptions, e.g. many words taken from English.
The letter “h” is always silent, but where it appears on the front of a word it can affect the pronunciation of any silent consonants on the end of the preceding word. (see Liaison)
Vowel Sounds
The following words only have the vowel sound /a/ as in English “hat”.
attaque | /atak/ | attack |
balle | /bal/ | ball (or bullet!) |
barrage | /baʀaʒ/ | barrier |
barre | /baʀ/ | (cross-) bar |
frappe | /fʀap/ | strike |
marquage | /maʀkaʒ/ | marking |
match | /matʃ/ | match |
parade | /paʀad/ | parry (save) |
stade | /stad/ | stadium |
tacle | /takl/ | tackle |
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The following words have the vowel sound /ɑ/ like the “a” in English “car”.
base | /bɑz/ | base, foundation |
bras | /bʀɑ/ | arm |
cadre | /kɑdʀ/ | framework, goal |
grâce | /ɡʀɑs/ | thanks |
pas | /pɑ/ | step |
passe | /pɑs/ | pass |
phase | /fɑz/ | phase |
tâche | /tɑʃ/ | task |
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camp | /kɑ̃/ | side |
champ | /ʃɑ̃/ | field |
rangs | /ʀɑ̃/ | ranks |
jambe | /ʒɑ̃b/ | leg |
centre | /sɑ̃tʀ/ | centre |
changement | /ʃɑ̃ʒmɑ̃/ | substitution |
rentrant | /ʀɑ̃tʀɑ̃/ | inswinging |
tendance | /tɑ̃dɑ̃s/ | trend |
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clé | /kle/ | key |
nez | /ne/ | nose |
fêter | /fete/ | to celebrate |
freiné | /fʀene/ | slowed down, curbed |
blessé | /blese/ | injured |
pressé | /pʀese/ | anxious |
prêté | /pʀete/ | on loan |
serré | /seʀe/ | tight, close |
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This is like the "e" in English "bed" and "bet".
aile | /ɛl/ | wing |
cercle | /sɛʀkl/ | circle |
faiblesse | /fɛblɛs/ | weakness |
geste | /ʒɛst/ | gesture, move |
règles | /ʀɛɡl/ | rules |
rêve | /ʀɛv/ | dream |
terre | /tɛʀ/ | earth |
tête | /tɛt/ | head, header |
___________________ | ___________________ | ________________________________________________________________________________________ |
main | /mɛ̃/ | hand |
plein | /plɛ̃/ | full |
loin | /lwɛ̃/ | far |
point | /pwɛ̃/ | point |
pointe | /pwɛ̃t/ | spearhead |
feinte | /fɛ̃t/ | dummy |
gradins | /ɡʀadɛ̃/ | terraces |
terrain | /teʀɛ̃/ | ground, pitch |
___________________ | ___________________ | ________________________________________________________________________________________ |
bleu | /blø/ | blue |
deux | /dø/ | two |
jeu | /ʒø/ | play |
lieu | /ljø/ | place |
enjeu | /ɑ̃ʒø/ | stake |
chanceux | /ʃɑ̃sø/ | lucky |
entrejeu | /ɑ̃tʀ-ʒø/ | midfield |
hors-jeu | /'ɔʀʒø/ | offside |
___________________ | ___________________ | ________________________________________________________________________________________ |
heure | /œʀ/ | hour |
neuf | /nœf/ | nine |
épreuve | /epʀœv/ | event |
largeur | /laʀʒœʀ/ | width |
longueur | /lɔ̃ɡœʀ/ | length |
finisseur | /finisœʀ/ | finisher |
vainqueur | /vɛ̃kœʀ/ | victor |
bonheur | /bɔnœʀ/ | happiness |
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This is like the "a" in English "about".
de | /də/ | of, from |
dedans | /dədɑ̃/ | inside |
dessus | /d(ə)sy/ | above |
devant | /d(ə)vɑ̃/ | in front |
genou | /ʒ(ə)nu/ | knee |
pelouse | /p(ə)luz/ | field, lawn |
recrue | /ʀəkʀy/ | recruit |
vedette | /vədɛt/ | star |
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cible | /sibl/ | target |
dribble | /dʀibl/ | dribble |
fini | /fini/ | finished |
libre | /libʀ/ | free |
prise | /pʀiz/ | caught |
rythme | /ʀitm/ | pace |
tir | /tiʀ/ | shot |
type | /tip/ | type, ideal |
___________________ | ___________________ | ________________________________________________________________________________________ |
chaud | /ʃo/ | hot |
dos | /do/ | back |
crocs | /kʀo/ | fangs |
gros | /ɡʀo/ | big |
trop | /tʀo/ | too |
drôle | /dʀol/ | strange |
choses | /ʃoz/ | things |
faute | /fot/ | foul |
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botte | /bɔt/ | boot |
poste | /pɔst/ | position |
choc | /ʃɔk/ | clash |
phoque | /fɔk/ | seal |
fort | /fɔʀ/ | strong |
score | /skɔʀ/ | score |
homme | /ɔm/ | man |
homologue | /ɔmɔlɔɡ/ | counterpart |
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fond | /fɔ̃/ | back, depths |
rond | /ʀɔ̃/ | ring, circle |
monde | /mɔ̃d/ | world |
compte | /kɔ̃t/ | account |
contre | /kɔ̃tʀ/ | counter-attack |
montre | /mɔ̃tʀ/ | wristwatch |
nombre | /nɔ̃bʀ/ | number |
plongeon | /plɔ̃ʒɔ̃/ | dive |
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This is like the "o" in English "into".
bout | /bu/ | end |
coup | /ku/ | blow, kick |
doute | /dut/ | doubt |
foot | /fut/ | football |
foule | /ful/ | crowd |
poule | /pul/ | pool |
touche | /tuʃ/ | touch (line) |
tour | /tuʀ/ | round |
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plus | /ply/ | more |
but | /by(t)/ | goal |
chute | /ʃyt/ | fall, downfall |
lutte | /lyt/ | struggle |
rude | /ʀyd/ | tough |
dur | /dyʀ/ | hard |
mur | /myʀ/ | wall |
nul | /nyl/ | draw, drawn |
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choix | /ʃwa/ | choice |
fois | /fwa/ | time, instance |
noir | /nwaʀ/ | black |
poids | /pwɑ/ | weight |
souhait | /swɛ/ | wish |
coin | /kwɛ̃/ | corner |
loin | /lwɛ̃/ | far |
louange | /lwɑ̃ʒ/ | praise |
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