There is only one irregular verb in Folksprak: wese. Its present-tense form is er and its past-tense form is was, and its past participle is wesen. Folksprak verbs do not change according to person and number.
- De hus er grot. (The house is big.)
- De husen er grot. (The houses are big.)
Past tense
Verbs end in -ed in the past tense.
- De mannen sejed de hund. (The men saw the dog.)
- De fyr brenned. (The fire burned.)
Passive and Present Perfect
The past participle ends in -ed.
- de sejed hund (the seen dog)
- de segged word (the spoken word)
In combination with the verb werde the passive mode is made.
- De dir werd sejed. (The animal is being seen.)
- De word werd segged. (The word is being spoken.)
In combination with the verb have the present perfect tense is made.
- De kild hav sejed de hund. (The child has seen the dog.)
- De mannen hav segged „god dag“. (The men have said „good afternoon“.)
The progressive form has the suffix -end.
- de swimmend shipp (the swimming ship)
The infinite has the suffix -e.
- swimme (to swim)
Future tense
In combination with the verb shølle the future tense is made.
- De kild shall seje de hund. (The child will see the dog.)
- De mannen shall segge „god dag“. (The men will say „good afternoon“.)
Modal Auxilary Verbs
Modal auxiliary verbs appear directly combined, i. e. without preposition, with an infinite form.
- Hun mag doe het. (She may do it.)
Modal auxiliary verbs have the stem vowel ø, y or i in the infinitive form. Their past-tense stem vowel is o, u or i. (The present-tense stem vowel is irregular.)
- kønne (kann), konned (can)
- kynne (konn), kynned (know (sb./sth.))
- møge (mag), moged (may)
- møte (mot), moted (must)
- shølle (shall), sholled (will)
- shylle (sholl), shulled (would)
- shille (shull), shilled (to be supposed to)
- tørfe (tarf), torfed (to be allowed to)
- wite (wet), wited (to know)
- wølle (will), wolled (to want)
The imperative form is like the infinite without -e.
- Gæ! (Go!)
- Wes so god. (Please.)