Thanksgiving (Now gracious plenty rules the board,)
Thanksgiving (Thou that dost save through pain,) (see Giving Thanks)
Their Victory Won
There's a Spot in the Mountains
They live so long
They told me
Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1836–1907)
Though Thou Hast Climbed
Through the Rushes
Through the Window
The "Titanic"—Aftermath
To a Poet
To Alice Meynell
To Britannia
To England
To France (1894)
To Helen Keller
To Henry Mills Alden
To him who found me sleeping, all my soul
To Hope
To Horace Howard Furness (dedication poem from The Unconquered Air, and Other Poems)
To John Luther Long, on seeing his opera "Madame Butterfly" (see To the Author of "Madame Butterfly")
To One in Hospital Pent
To Poverty
To R. R.: On Rereading the "De Profundis" of Oscar Wilde
To Sappho Dead
To the Author of "Madame Butterfly" (On Seeing the Opera)
To the Muse. Lippincott's v. 59 p. 414 (March 1897); 1898 p. 2; 1916 v. 1 p. 3. As "Poetry" in Lippincott's and 1898. Punctuation differences.
One spot of green, watered by hidden streams, |
To the Returning Brave (Come home! The Land that sent you forth) (same as Welcome, 1904)
To the Tsar (1890)
To the Victor
To William Butler Yeats
A Tomb in Tuscany
The Tomb said to the Rose—After the French of Victor Hugo
Too Late
A Traveller from Altruria (He came to us with dreams to sell—) (same as The Singer, 1916)
True Love
Two Brothers