I Heard a Voice
I know not how to find the Spring
"I Longed for Love"
I Looked on Sorrow (see Earth's Mystery)
I Too Have Loved
The Ideal
An Idle Ditty
An Idler
Immortal. ("Life is like a beauteous flower") Lippincott's v. 54 p. 559 (October 1894); 1898 p. 8; 1916 v. 1 p. 120.
Life is like a beauteous flower, Life is like a bird that nests |
Immortal (How living are the dead!)
In a College Settlement
In a Tenement
In April
In Darkness. Harper's New Monthly Magazine v. 77 no. 462 p. 836 (November 1888); 1898 p. 10; 1916 v. 1 p. 17. Punctuation and case ("Sorrow" to "sorrow") differences.
I will be still; For, oh! I know, Yes, something won; The agony, |
In Dreamland
In Loneliness—Iseult of Brittany
In Memory—Eliza Sproat Turner
In Memory of an American Soldier
In Memory of Caroline Furness Jayne
In Memory of Henry La Barre Jayne
"In Memory of Jean"
In Modern Bonds
In Pathetic Remembrance—E. N. W., Author Of "David Harum"
In Remembrance: The Antarctic Heroes of 1912 (see To Britannia)
In the Maternity Ward (see The Hospital)
In the Offing
In the Town a Wild Bird singing
In the Wood
In War-Time—Gazing Seaward
In War-Time—An American Homeward Bound
In Winter
In Winter-Time
The Infantry that Would Not Yield
The Irish Shamrock in South Africa