Flexible Learning is a set of educational philosophies and systems, concerned with providing learners with increased choice, convenience, and personalisation to suit the learner. In particular, flexible learning provides learners with choices about where, when, and how learning occurs. Wikipedia Dec 06
This page will assist you in understanding the principles of Flexible Learning by exploring related information, ideas and new practices in formal education. After reading through this information, and taking up opportunities for learning support it is hoped you will be able to apply flexible teaching and learning techniques in your own contexts.
Learning support and accreditation
Otago Polytechnic offers formal learning and acreditation services with their Designing for Flexible Learning Practice course.
Flexible Learning is a recent concept with many varying interpretations. No one interpretation is correct, leaving room for many interesting and useful ideas. For this reason
What is flexible learning?
Things to consider
Planning for flexible teaching and learning
Aligning with an educational organisation
Document your progress in a weblog
Resource list
Establish and maintain a social bookmarking list with links to information relating to flexible learning
Develop a resource
Choose an issue or consideration relating to flexible learning, (for example: accessibility, digital divides, practical skills learning, assessment) and create an learning resource that reports on the issue and suggests solutions.
Develop a plan
In your weblog, create an entry that is the start of a plan for developing learning flexibility in your course or field of study. The plan should refer to intended learning outcomes, the typical learner profile, trends and directions in industry or sector, and benefits to learners and educational organisation.