Early Life
Elizabeth Cady was born in 1815 to Daniel and Mary Livingston Cady, a prestigious family of Johnstown, NY. One of Elizabeth's early memories was that her parents didn't seem to want girl children, especially after Elizabeth's sister was born. This probably had something to do with Stanton's ideas later in life.
Cady attended Johnstown Academy and while there studied Greek and Mathematics. Her other achievements were learning to ride a horse and quickly showed her father that she could debate. In 1830, after graduating from the academy, she attended Troy Female Seminary, which was the only school to offer an education equivalent to a boy's school.
Elizabeth frequently went to court with her father, who was a distinguished lawyer. Elizabeth was quite unnerved to see the law function, since it was very unfair to women. During these observations she met Henry Stanton and in 1840 they were married.