In your browsers address bar type the link
http://localhost:3000/. (If you have installed Fedena on your PC/laptop, if you are hosting it on a server then use the appropriate ip address or URL)
All things being well you should see the Fedena login page. Fedena ships with a default administrator account called "admin" and the password is "admin123". Use these credentials to login.
<the login page image goes here>
You should see the Fedena dashboard. You should now setup Fedena to suit your school's workflow and process. To help you setup Fedena lets configure a fictitious play school called "The Blue Bells Play School". First and foremost you'll need to create your school's profile on Fedena. Click on "Settings" and then "General Settings" to display the "Configuration Page". Enter your School/College details in the form.
<the configuration page image goes here>
For the student attendance type choose "Daily" if your school marks the student's attendance once every day in the morning otherwise choose "Subjectwise" if your School/College marks attendance every hour for each subject, this practice is usually followed in Graduate and Professional colleges. Upload your School/College logo and tick the "Enable Auto increment Student admission no." and "Enable Auto increment Employee no. " check boxes to allow Fedena automatically increment student roll numbers and employee ids. Click on "update" to save your information.