< FHSST Computer Literacy

Learning Outcome 1: Operational Knowledge of Information and Communication Technologies

The learner is able to demonstrate operational knowledge of information and communication technologies and the environments in which they operate. This Learning Outcome requires learners to operate competently in an electronic environment and encapsulates basic operational knowledge of:

  • computer hardware and software;
  • networked environments;
  • information and communication technologies in different environments;
  • computer ethics, security and viruses;
  • ergonomics, health and safety issues;
  • social and environmental issues;
  • using an operating system including file management; and
  • general trouble shooting.

Outcomes for Grade 10

  • Briefly describe the basic operation and

terminology of relevant computer hardware and software and the aims and objectives of networked environments.

  • Install, configure and use input and output


  • Describe the concept of file organisation in

multi-level directories.

  • Identify legal, ethical and security issues related

to information technology.

  • Describe certain basic issues related to the

impact of information and communication technologies on the local environment and society.

Outcomes for Grade 11

  • Report on relevant computer hardware, software

and local area networks.

  • Use suitable utility software to carry out basic

trouble shooting functions.

  • Develop and maintain multi-level organisational

structures in multiple storage media.

  • Discuss legal, ethical and security issues related

to information technology.

  • Describe the impact of information and

communication technologies on the environment and society in a national context.

Outcomes for Grade 12

  • Demonstrate a knowledge of relevant computer

hardware, software and wide area network environments.

  • Demonstrate an understanding in trouble

shooting simple end-user computer-related hardware and software problems.

  • Adequately manipulate files and folders.
  • Identify, describe and illustrate legal, ethical and

security issues related to information technology.

  • Identify, discuss, value and illustrate issues

related to the impact of information and communication technologies on the environment and society in a global context.

Must include

  • Computers in all walks of life.
  • General concepts of information technology including hardware, software and networked environments.
  • Types of computer systems.
  • Typical components and characteristics of a computer.
  • Input and output devices.
  • Types of system software and application software.
  • Computer ethics, security and viruses.
  • Impact of computers on the environment and society.
  • Safety and health issues.
  • File management and trouble shooting simple end-user computer-related hardware and software problems.
  • Utilising the features of a typical operating system.

Learning Outcome 2: Integrated End-user Computer Applications Skills and Knowledge in Problem Solving

The learner is able to apply and integrate end-user computer applications skills and knowledge to solve problems related to the processing, presentation and communication of information. This Learning Outcome concentrates on:

  • competence in input and manipulating data;
  • effective use of various end-user computer application programmes;
  • problem solving and creative thinking;
  • integration of various end-user computer application programmes in a variety of contexts;
  • transfer of generic end-user computer applications skills to new situations and contexts;
  • effective communication; and
  • accuracy, proficiency, productivity and flexibility.

Outcomes for Grade 10

  • Demonstrate a basic level of competence and

accuracy in the input of data.

  • Enter, edit and format text, numerical data and

graphics using basic techniques in a word processing programme.

  • Enter, edit and format text and numerical data

using basic functions and formulae in a spreadsheet programme by applying appropriate techniques.

  • Demonstrate the ability to utilise basic

integration techniques using word processing and spreadsheet programmes.

  • Interpret written layout and editing instructions

to produce accurate output.

  • Demonstrate understanding of a variety of

communication modes and tools.

Outcomes for Grade 11

  • Use essential procedures, techniques and

operations in the accurate input of data.

  • Enter, edit and format text, numerical data and

graphics using advanced techniques in a word processing programme.

  • Use logical functions and formulae to process

data and create and edit charts in a spreadsheet programme by applying appropriate techniques.

  • Create a single table data source and generate

simple forms, queries and reports using a database programme. on of data;

  • Enter, edit and process text, numerical data

and/or graphics in any end-user computer application programme other than word processing, spreadsheet or database programmes.

  • Demonstrate the ability to utilise advanced

integration techniques using appropriate programmes.

  • Use written and simple electronic reviewing and

editing instructions to produce accurate output.

  • Communicate information effectively by using a

variety of communication modes and tools.

Outcomes for Grade 12

  • Apply productive methods, procedures and

techniques to accurately input data.

  • Apply advanced word processing techniques in

various contexts.

  • Apply knowledge and skills of a spreadsheet

programme in various contexts.

  • Apply knowledge and skills of a database

programme in various contexts.

  • Apply knowledge and skills in various contexts

by using any end-user computer application programme other than word processing, spreadsheet or database programmes.

  • Apply logical thinking to respond to challenges

in a variety of contexts in the end-user computer application environment using techniques of integration.

  • Interpret written and electronic layout and

editing instructions to produce accurate output in a competent fashion.

  • Communicate information effectively by

selecting and using appropriate communication modes and tools.

Must include

  • Processing of text, number and graphics at an advanced level, using a word processing programme:
    • proficiency in the input of data;
    • entering, editing and formatting text, numbers and graphics;
    • creation of visual and printed matter;
    • design and layout of documents;
    • use of templates.
  • Basic processing of numerical data, using a spreadsheet programme:
    • working with cells and ranges;
    • formatting cells and worksheets;
    • basic functions and formulae, including SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, IF, COUNTIF, MIN, MAX;
    • creating and editing charts.
  • Creation of single-table data sources to generate forms, queries and reports, using a database programme:
    • creation of a single-table data source;
    • manipulation of records and fields;
    • generation of forms, queries and reports.
  • Presentations or web authoring tools or desktop publishing software or any other application software of

own choice:

    • entering, editing and formatting text, numbers and graphics;
    • application of good design principles.
  • Integration of end-user computer application programmes:
    • working between applications;
    • linking and exchanging (importing/exporting) data with other applications.
  • Effective communication of information:
    • different types of communication tools;
    • different modes of communication;
    • use different modes and tools of communication;
    • select appropriate communication modes and tools.

Learning Outcome 3: Information Management

The learner is able to apply information management processes and skills using end-user computer applications. This Learning Outcome deals with the processes of information management:

  • find, collect, analyse and critically evaluate data;
  • organise and process information in various formats; and
  • present and communicate information.

Outcomes for Grade 10

  • Use technologies to locate and collect specific

data using relevant methods.

  • Extract and record information in appropriate

electronic formats.

  • Present and communicate information in

electronic formats.

Outcomes for Grade 11

  • Use technologies to locate, collect and analyse

various forms of data using relevant methods.

  • Organise, record and summarise information in

appropriate electronic formats.

  • Present and communicate information in

appropriate formats.

Outcomes for Grade 12

  • Make informed decisions in the data collection


  • Apply logical thinking skills when processing


  • Formulate responses and present and

communicate information in a professional fashion.

Must include

  • Task definition:
    • recognising information needs;
    • defining problems;
    • identifying the type and amount of information needed to solve problems.
  • Information-finding strategies:
    • considering possible information sources (e.g. various types of electronic resources for data gathering

including databases, CD-ROM resources, commercial and Internet online resources, electronic reference works, community and government information electronic resources) as well as primary resources including interviews, surveys, experiments and documents that are accessible through electronic means;

    • developing a plan/strategy for searching;
    • identifying and applying specific criteria for evaluating resources;
    • identifying and applying specific criteria for constructing meaningful data gathering tools;
    • using a computer to generate modifiable flow charts, timelines, organisational charts and calendars

which will help the learner to plan and organise complex or group information problem-solving tasks;

    • using a computer or other devices to manage the process (e.g. track contacts and create to-do lists and


  • Access information:
    • locating information from a variety of resources using appropriate computer resources and available


    • accessing specific information found within individual sources by using organisational systems and

tools specific to electronic information sources that assist in finding specific and general information.

  • Use of information:
    • engaging with information to determine its relevance;
    • extracting relevant information through, for example, citations, note taking and summaries;
    • processing and analysing statistical data;
    • saving and backing up data gathered.
  • Synthesis:
    • organising results of information gathering and processing;
    • presenting results by selectively creating or generating printed reports, computer-generated graphics, charts,

tables and graphs, original databases, electronic slide shows, overhead transparencies, Web pages, etc.

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of information management:
    • content, format and design;
    • spell and grammar checking capabilities;
    • legal principles and ethical conduct related to information technology with special attention to copyright

and plagiarism;

  • netiquette when using Internet, e-mail, etc.;
  • information problem-solving process (efficiency).

type correctly

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