Exercise in disease is a resource where implications for exercise as they relate to different chronic diseases, and their treatments are explored. The wikis are created by students, as part of a University assignment, and should not be taken as medical advice.
2020 Wiki pages are due to be completed by September 20. In the interim students will be drafting these fact sheets.
2020 Article Critiques
Strategies to increase physical activity for health [in a specific population]
- Exploring strategies that influence children's physical activity self-efficacy
- Increasing physical activity in commercial truck drivers
- Do adolescents understand the impact of PA on mental health?
- Do focus groups work to improve physical activity engagement in cognitive impairment?
- Finding the motivation to exercise
- Increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary time in children with developmental disabilities
- Does being happy lead to a more active lifestyle?
- Does access to outdoor gyms increase physical activity levels in low socioeconomic areas?
- Effects of physical activity and nutrition program on retirement villages
- Determinants of physical activity in obese and non-obese children
- The effect of disability on physical activity
- Physical activity intervention for people living with HIV and AIDS of low socioeconomic status
- Do walking strategies to increase activity reduce reported sitting in workplaces?
- Physical activity involvement in lower limb amputee populations
- Adaptive physical activity intervention for overweight adults
- Effectiveness of physical fitness through virtual reality in individuals with intellectual and developmental disability
- Physical activity trends in an older population post-stroke
- Transtheoretical model intervention vs standard therapy in increasing physical activity in sufferers of chronic low back pain
- The effects of exercise programing on adolescents and children with visual impairments
Cardiovascular health
- Effectiveness of eccentric strength exercise in individuals after a stroke
- Changes in Pulmonary Exercise Haemodynamics in Scleroderma
- Exercise and respiratory training on patients with chronic pulmonary hypertension
- Children’s overall fitness in relation to their exercise behaviour and body composition
- Age-related effectiveness of endurance training as it relates to diastolic function in systolic heart failure patients
- Does aerobic and resistance exercise reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in women with early-stage breast cancer?
- Effects of school-based physical activity on cardiovascular disease risk factors in children
- Enhancing aerobic and anaerobic fitness in asthmatic children
- The effects of exercise on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and cardiovascular disease
- The reliability of HIIT as a worthwhile accessory to standard cardiac rehabilitation
- Which type of exercise modality best enhances quality of life and return to health in patients post myocardial infarction?
- Exercise for chronic heart failure patients, Continuous vs Intermittent
- Effects of upper body strength training, dynamic training and advice to train at home on peripheral arterial disease
- Exercise and it’s ability to prevent cardiovascular events in people with type 2 diabetes
- Interventions to improve cardiovascular health in primary school children
- Association between video games and blood pressure and lipids in overweight and obese adolescents
Musculo-skeletal health
- Effects of scoliosis specific exercise (SEAs) on Adult Idiopathic Scoliosis?
- Can physical activity delay the onset of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women?
- Pilates and Yoga group exercises to relieve neck pain
- Can physical activity slow the development of sarcopenia as we age?
- Can home-based exercises help reduce knee pain?
- Can strength training preserve bone mineral density in postmenopausal women?
- How knee osteoarthritis in older adults can be improved from home
- The effects of resistance training on children with spinal muscular atrophy
- How resistance training can help with knee osteoarthritis
- Treating osteosarcopenia through high-intensity resistance training. Is it the Holy Grail of treatment options?
- Exercise interventions for arthritis sufferers
- Resistance and agility training to reduce falls risk in women aged 75 to 85 with low bone mass
- Pilates based intervention for post-menopausal women living with osteoporosis
- Physical activity levels in men and women arthritis
- Does resistance training help with rheumatoid arthritis?
- Effects of short-term physical training on rheumatoid arthritis sufferers
Brain health
- Is HARP an effective intervention for individuals with serious mental illnesses?
- Effect of resistance versus balance training on postural control in Parkinson’s disease
- Does exercise benefit patients with early to mid-stage Parkinson's disease?
- Physical activities impact on depression
- How aerobic activity affects anxiety sensitivity
- Resistance training and depression: does intensity matter?
- Aerobic exercise versus mindfulness-based stress reduction for social anxiety
- Can physical function and mental health of brain cancer survivors be improved by exercise?
- The effect of physical activity on major outcomes associated with Alzheimer's dementia
- How vigorous-intensity exercise is associated with an increase in mental health
- The impact of progressive resistance exercise on symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
- Aquatic exercise as a therapy in the management in fibromyalgia symptoms
- Childhood Activity for lifelong mental health
- Can lowering inflammation through exercise be used as an effective treatment for depression?
- Does aerobic exercise improve quality of life in people with multiple sclerosis?
- Group exercise treatment for military veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder
- Does aquatic exercise effect fatigue and quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis?
- The effects exercise has on individuals diagnosed with chronic primary insomnia
- Does balance training and high intensity resistance training benefit people with idiopathic Parkinson's disease?
- The effect of exercise on mental health outcomes of pre- and early-school-aged children
- Can physical activity improve cognitive and motor function in patients with Dementia?
- The effect of acute physical activity on executive functions in children with ADHD
- Exercise as relief of stress-related fibromyalgia
- Physical activity treatment in multiple sclerosis
- The impact of intensive exercise on depression in young males
- Affecting cognition and quality of life via aerobic exercise in Alzheimer’s disease
- Exercise and its effects on preventing Alzheimer's disease
- Relationship between physical fitness, BMI and cognitive function in school children
- Health benefits of sport and exercise on PTSD survivors
- Effects of exercise in children diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy
- Improving executive functions in children with autism spectrum disorder through mixed martial arts
- Resistance training effects on functional capacity in older individuals with Parkinson's
- The impact of hiking on high-risk suicide patients
Respiratory health
Metabolic health
- The effect of different modes of training on glycaemic control?
- Short-term high-intensity interval training on body composition in overweight and obese young women
- Effects of diet and exercise intervention for patients with type 2 diabetes
- Can exercise help children with type 1 diabetes gain control of their overnight glycemic levels?
- A former career as a male elite athlete - does it protect against type 2 diabetes later in life?
- The importance of exercise in treating diabetes
- The effect of aerobic exercise in overweight chronic kidney disease patients
- The relationship metabolic syndrome has with physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness
- The effects of HIIT on aerobic fitness, cardiac function and insulin resistance in healthy older adults
- Which is more effective in reducing type 2 diabetes in women; walking or vigorous-intensity activity?
- Intensity of exercise in men for optimal fat oxidation
- Effects of aerobic and/or resistance training on body mass and fat mass in overweight or obese adults
- Exercise and its essential role in long-term health – How 30 minutes of walking every day is the perfect ‘first step’ to improve health outcomes of individuals with type II diabetes
- Is high-intensity interval exercise preferential for people with type 2 diabetes?
- Video games leading to obesity among youths
- Adherence to physical activity in young people with Type 1 diabetes
- The effect of high-intensity progressive resistance training on adiposity in children
- The effects of functional exercise in older adults with diabetes
Cancer-related health
- Physical activity intervention for middle age women living with metastatic breast cancer
- Exercise program intervention for children with leukaemia
- Strength and endurance training in the treatment of advanced lung cancer
- Long-term follow-up after cancer rehabilitation using high-intensity resistance training: persistent improvement of physical performance and quality of life
- Reviewing the cardiac and stress response to high intensity interval training on breast cancer survivors
- Endometrial cancer survivors and its association with exercise, body weight and quality of life
- Physical activities effect on the development of lung cancer
- The effect of chronic fatigue on a women’s capacity to exercise
- Maximal strength training used to target strength, balance and walking, in individuals with Multiple Sclerosis
- Endometriosis and Exercise: Could exercise be the key to improving pelvic pain and posture?
- Can physical activity improve health-related quality of life in residential aged care?
- Reducing functional decline in very-elderly hospital patients through exercise prescription
- Effect of physical activity on quality of life of inflammatory bowel disease patients
- Exercise as a treatment for drug addiction
- Can exercise during pregnancy reduce the risk of a miscarriage?
- Effect of physical activity and weight gain in obese pregnant women
- Effects of exercise on patients with Lupus
- The effects of vitamin D deficiency in athletes
- Does increase in intensity and frequency of physical activity reduce fear of falls in older adults?
- Adolescents at risk of endometriosis - Does physical activity reduce the risk?
- Effects from a supervised exercise intervention for depressed female smokers
- Effect of structured physical activity on prevention of major mobility disability in older adults
- Menstrual cycle disruptions in response to strenuous exercise training
- Effects of exercise on women experiencing post-partum depression
2019 Article Critiques
Strategies to increase physical activity for health [in a specific population]
- The power of re-establishing cultural identity when promoting health in Indigenous communities
- The tools for fun in school
- Is Pokemon Go-ing to increase exercise?
- Quantifying occupational physical activity manual labour vs office workers
- Workplace revolution; method to engage adults in physical activity during their working hours
- Does the structure of the school day impact children's levels of physical activity outside of school?
- The effect of Body dissatisfaction on exercise avoidance
- Can 'finding our center' help to reduce the size of our center?
- Classroom-based Physical Activity: The impact of teacher-directed exercise in elementary school children
- Does playing active video games increase energy expenditure in children?
- How detrimental can office work be on health and wellbeing?
- A comparison of efficient treatments regarding workplace sitting time and its impact
- Measuring physical activity in obese prolonged sedentary older adults
Cardiovascular health
- Effects of aerobic endurance and strength training in obese adults
- How childhood motor skills lead to an active life
- The impact of reducing sitting time in college students on cardiometabolic health
- The relation of cardiovascular health to fitness and physical activity in children and adults
- The effects of high vs moderate-intensity exercise on coronary artery disease
- Effect of aerobic and nutritional intervention in overweight, obese and hypertensive adults
- The effects of interval training on cardiovascular health in adults with coronary heart disease
- Cardiovascular and metabolic adaptations through different training intensities within middle-aged men and the considerations associated with cardiovascular disease
- Is walking an effective exercise intervention in the prevention of cardiovascular disease in elderly women?
- The relationship between physical activity and coronary heart disease in men
- The importance of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for coronary heart disease
Musculo-skeletal health
- Home based exercise to improve quality of life in elderly women with osteoporosis-related vertebral fractures
- The effect of implementing a resistance training program to improve strength and mobility in children with Cerebral Palsy
- Implications of physical activity for women with Ehlers Danlos syndrome hypermobility type
- Obesity and the rise in the incidence of Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Physical training on Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Effects of physical therapy on the management of pain and symptoms associated with Sciatica
- Aerobic and resistance exercise improves physical fitness in older adults with rheumatoid arthritis
- Effects of aerobic exercise on rheumatoid arthritis
- Resistance training and how it affects the pain and function among adults with osteoarthritis
- Does resistance training impact bone mineral density in postmenopausal women?
- The impact of resistance training on young people with cerebral palsy
Brain health
- Can Exercise Really Help Multiple Sclerosis?
- The effects of lingual exercise in stroke patients with Dysphagia
- The better Ageing Project and sustaining mental well-being of elderly people through physical activity
- Does the context of physical activity have an effect on mental health in early adulthood?
- The relationship between exercise behaviour and mental health
- Cardiorespiratory fitness and depression among Middle School Adolescents
- Can exercise training improve the quality of life for individuals living with schizophrenia?
- Exercise and Parkinson Disease: Comparing tango, treadmill, and stretching
- Is exercise making children smarter?
- Does Physical Activity Improve Walking Efficiency For Elderly Dementia Patients?
- Parkinson's Disease: Finding Rhythm in Your Step
- Can exercise trans-form the mental health of gender variant people?
- The effects of exercise on neuroplasticity for spinal cord injuries
- Exercise and postnatal depression and fatigue, how affective can it be?
- Can Table Tennis improve motor skills and executive functions in children with ADHD?
- Aerobic training's effect on cognitive performance in elderly individuals with dementia
- Cognitive impact of resistance training on the elderly
- Effect of Hippotherapy on functionality in children with Cerebral Palsy
- The effects of coordination training on cerebellar disease
- PTSD: moving forward with exercise
- Effect of strength training in clients with multiple sclerosis
- The hidden benefits of team sport in youth self-esteem
- The effect of pilates training on multiple sclerosis
- Reduction of children's sport performance anxiety through social support and stress-reduction training for coaches
- The impact of physical activity on epilepsy outpatients
- The effect of exercise intensity on women with depression
- School-based Physical Education: The key to improving cognitive and academic performance among adolescents
- Does the inclusion of physical activity within nursing homes, increase self-efficacy for those with dementia?
- The effects of progressive resistance training on individuals with Down Syndrome
- Aerobic exercise helps patients with panic disorder
- The effects of resistance exercise training on anxiety
- The impact of exercise on hyperarousal in veterans diagnosed with PTSD
- Can a single bout of exercise improve mood and self esteem?
- Progressive resistance training improves gait initiation in individuals with Parkinson's disease
Respiratory health
Metabolic health
- Sprinting and Obesity... Can it work?"
- Resistance exercise and controlling glycemic levels in gestational diabetes
- Does incorporating more physical activity into everyday lifestyle improve body composition, thyroid function, and structure in obese children?
- High volume‐low intensity exercise camp and glycemic control in diabetic children
- Obesity-exercise dose response - How much is enough?
- Can playing physically-engaging video games be beneficial for metabolic health?
- The effects of exercise on glycemic control in patients with Type 2 diabetes
- Oxidation of fats due to green tea and sprinting intervals
Cancer-related health
- Power of exercise throughout retirement
- The effect of exercise in reducing the falls risk of older people with Parkinson’s Disease
- The importance of exercise during pregnancy to decrease the likelihood of hypertension and gestational weight gain
- Promoting functional independence and well-being through physical activity in spinal cord injury patients
- Tai Chi and its implications on elderly health
- Feeling hot for health
- The benefits of exercise in increasing strength and CD4 lymphocyte levels for HIV patients
- The warrior way: weekend exercise helps you live longer
2018 Article Critiques
Strategies to increase physical activity for health [in a specific population]
- Strategies for increasing recess-time physical activity for children**
- Targeting Cerebral Palsy in children, introducing virtual reality to active video game interventions
- Light the fire to exercise
- Mobile monitoring and feedback to stimulate physical activity in people with chronic disease
- Measuring Physical Activity within Schools
- The effect of Rheumatoid Arthritis on physical activity ability
- Stepping to reduce the detrimental health effects of excessive occupational sitting**
- Built for bigger waistlines? Association of the built environment with physical activity and obesity in older adults
- Can the protection motivation theory help predict exercise behaviours? Exploring the notion in patients with coronary artery disease
- Physically interactive video games vs sedentary alternative in children
- You Got To Move It- The relationship between motor proficiency and pedometer-determined physical activity in children
- Interventions for obese patients with knee osteoarthritis - Underwater vs. home exercise?
- Changing the school environment to increase physical activity in children
- More play: physical activity results in happier and healthier kids
- The energy expenditure from combat sports and martial arts training and how it can help reach health recommendations
- Importance of social support in youth to enhance physical activity
- A behavioural intervention to increase physical activity amongst chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients**
- Can smartphone apps increase physical activity?
- Enhancing physical activity using an internet intervention for adults with metabolic syndrome
- Vitamin D status, muscle mass and physical activity in elderly people
- Do pedometers increase physical activity in youth with chronic kidney disease
Cardiovascular health
- Exercise Training to reduce the risk of Cardiovascular Disease associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- How important is exercise duration, intensity & volume in the reduction of cardiovascular disease?
- The small-scale effects of exercise and its large-scale implications in coronary artery disease**
- Cardiovascular effects of aerobic training strategies for heart failure patients
- Can physical activity and fitness levels during adolescence predict the risk of cardiovascular disease during young adulthood?
- Effectiveness of high-intensity interval training for the rehabilitation of patients with coronary artery disease
- Exercising with heart failure; does it result in pulmonary hypertension and exercise intolerance?**
- The effect of exercise training on vascular function in yype 2 diabetes
- Physical activity to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
- Walking and vigorous exercise to prevent the risk of coronary heart disease in women**
- Fitness and fatness as reliable predictors of cardiovascular disease mortality
- Can school-based physical activity interventions decrease CVD risk factors?
Musculo-skeletal health
- Does the prescription of regular exercise decrease the pain and decreased ROM associated with Arthritis?
- Exercise, an inexpensive way of preventing osteoporosis in later life?
- Just walk it off? The prospect of physical activity reducing osteoarthritic pain
- Resistance training and osteoporosis in postmenopausal women
- Effects of physical activity on children with chronic arthritis
- The effects of exercise habits on sarcopenia and its association with a lower prevalence within the elderly
- The impact of exercise on elderly patients with osteoporosis
- The impact of physical activity in children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Brain health
- Benefits of exercise on rheumatoid arthritis patients
- Effects of exercise on anxiety
- The effects of moderate to high intensity exercise on Dementia
- The effects of aerobic exercise on major depression
- Does physical activity reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease?
- The effects of aerobic and strength exercise programs for patients with Dementia
- Parkinson's: Exercise improves movement initiation!
- The role of cardiovascular fitness in patients with narcolepsy
- Responses towards exhaustive acute physical exercise in participants with temporal lobe epilepsy
- Exercise and major depression in older patients
- Physical activity effect on mental health in people with chronic lower back pain
- Physical exercise as an additional therapy for sleep apnea
- Benefits of exercise on Parkinson disease
- Does exercise make you happy? The dose-response relation to exercise and reduction of depression symptoms
- The effects of physical activity for multiple sclerosis patients with fatigue
- Can exercise beat Parkinson’s?
- The effect of physical activity on children with ADHD
- Effect of exercise on depression in an elderly population**
- Improving exercise tolerance in patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Can aerobic training help?
- Positive effects of strength training on people with down syndrome
- Aerobic exercise, a positive influence on young Autistic children before class
- Exercise and the connection between mood regulation and trait emotional intelligence
- Treatment of major depression: Can exercise help?**
- Benefits of physical exercise in older people with Parkinson's
- Can walking stabilise cognitive function in Alzheimer's Disease?
- The effects of physical activity on depression and anxiety
- Aerobic exercise and post traumatic stress disorder
- Aerobic exercise for treating Alzheimers disease
- Investigating effects of moderate-high intensity exercise on Alzheimer's patient's
- The effect of physical exercise on adolescent women with depression
- The long term effects of exercise on major depressive disorder
Respiratory health
- A burden on physical activity – How extrapulmonary effects cause negative implications on patients with COPD
- Land or sea? Ideal exercise type for COPD patients with physical co-morbidities
- A splash in the right direction for COPD sufferers**
- The effect of an aerobic conditioning program on fitness attributes in patients with mild asthma
- Physical activity in urban school-aged children with asthma**
- The significance of exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Inspiratory muscle training in patients with cystic fibrosis
- Home-based exercise programs in Cystic Fibrosis: are they sustainable?
- Effectiveness of home-based exercise in patients with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- How does regular physical activity play a role in the incidence of asthma in adult women?
- Exercise as a means to reduce hospital admission and respiratory mortality due to COPD
Metabolic health
- The impacts of TV viewing and physical activity, on metabolic syndrome in Australian Adults
- The impact of exercise and altering dietary intake in health and fitness
- Effect of physical activity on Diabetes Mellitus
- Reducing obesity in children by adjusting TV viewing habits
- Sedentary behaviour risks linked to metabolic syndrome in rural Australia
- The effects of increased screen time on childhood obesity
- A lifestyle change could prevent type 2 diabetes in high risk individuals!
- The affect active travel has on the BMI's of children
- Childhood obesity and the effects of a combined dietary–behavioral–physical activity treatment
- Sleep duration and sedentary behaviour's effect on weight of children
- Physical activity for the prevention of diabetes in adults with IFG
- Effect on exercise intensity on fat loss in obese and overweight postmenopausal women
- Sixty minutes of exercise per week decreases the risk of metabolic syndrome
- The effect of aerobic circuit exercise training on insulin-dependent adolescents with diabetes mellitus
- Could adjusting TV viewing habits reduce obesity in children?
- Aerobic Exercise can Increase Physical and Mental Health in Men with Bone Metastatic Prostate Cancer
- Tired of cancer; exercise as a means of reducing fatigue in chemotherapy patients
- Effects of cognitively challenging Parkinson's Patients during exercise**
- Tortise vs hare....does walking faster have better health outcomes?**
- Effects of aerobic and resistance exercises in breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy
- The role of physical activity in the survival of diagnosed breast cancer patients
- Effect of high intensity training exercise as an intervention in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy
- The effect of resistance training on multiple sclerosis
- Green exercise on mental and physical health
- Exercise and its effects on improving quality of life in Leukemia patients undergoing chemotherapy
- A Breath of Exercise: Feasibility of a combined exercise intervention for inoperable lung cancer patients*
- Does aquatic exercise training impact the functional capacity, balance and fatigue in female patients with Multiple Sclerosis?
- The effect of exercise training on renal function in chronic kidney disease patients
- Effects of exercise on three common cancers
- The effects of exercise on immune function and mental health in HIV positive patients
- The role of physical activity in the progression and development of Myopia
- Exercise interventions to improve physical fitness and decrease markers of oxidative stress amongst cancer patients
- Recovery from cancer, the effect of physical activity on patients quality of life
- Physical activity amongst spinal cord injured subjects
- Screen time vs active play in young children
- Effects of exercise in breast cancer patients
2017 Article Critiques
Strategies to increase physical activity for health [in a specific population]
- Increasing physical activity of office workers using treadmill workstations
- Getting back your stride: How pedometers can increase physical fitness in COPD patients
- Sport participation and overall health in children
- Virtual Reality Improves Physical Function in Elderly Adults
- Exercise and Children: Fat future or fit future?
- Mum or Dad? Who makes the biggest difference?
- Does chronic disease reduce physical activity in older adult?
- A school-based intervention: Physical Education...is it physical enough?
- Exercise adherence in sedentary women: The SWEAT Study
- Exercising at home to counteract physical restrictions in overweight populations suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease
- Promoting children's physical activity in primary school - SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF
- Increasing Physical Activity in Sedentary People - Decreasing the inner Couch Potato
- Decreasing Sedentary Time in Office Workers: Utilizing a Multi Component Intervention
- The use of text messages to decrease sedentary behaviour in University students
- Adolescents: improving physical activity and sedentary behaviour
- Increasing Physical Activity in the Student Population through the use of Pedometers
- Cycling workstations; an approach to increasing energy expenditure in office settings
- Increased social media use cant really improve physical activity, can it?
- The impact of Active video games on children's physical activity during recess
- Game Time: Exergames and Improving Fitness in Adults with Down syndrome
- Enablers and Barriers to Physical Activity with the Lower Limb Amputee Population
- A Cultural Influence on Knowledge and Attitude towards Diet and Physical Activity in Children
- The effect of JUMP-in, in promoting physical activity in primary school students
- The impact of a community-based exercise intervention on African-American breast cancer survivors
- College students' motivation for physical activity. Men and women's motives for participation in sport and exercise
Brain health
- The Effects of Moderate Aerobic activity on middle aged sufferers of primary Insomnia
- Walking to Improve Health and Fitness in Stroke Survivors
- Positive Impact of Exercise on Cerebral Palsy Children
- Cardiorespiratory Fitness: is it the answer to reduce brain atrophy in early-stage Alzheimer’s Disease?
- Chronic Stroke Survivors - How can Exercise Help?
- Improving Mobility in Parkinson's Disease Patients Using Exercise
- High intensity eccentric resistance training decreases bradykinesia in Parkinson's disease patients
- The Effect of High Intensity Exercise on Persons with Multiple Sclerosis
- Exercise and Parkinson's Disease: Improving Gait Speed, Strength and Fitness
- Effects of long-term exercise on post-stroke patients
- The Role of Muscular Endurance Strength Training Post Stroke
- The link between exercise and Alzheimer's disease in older adults
- The effects of physical activity on children with ADHD
- Tai Chi's Ability to Improve Postural Stability for Patients with Parkinson's Disease
- Is Hydrotherapy the new therapy for Parkinson's Disease?
- The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Depression in Young Adults
- The role of physical activity to reduce the risk of developing Parkinson's Disease
- Is hydrotherapy superior to conventional land-based exercise after stroke?
- Enhancing health and well being: physical activity and nutrition in children and youth with intellectual disability and autism
- Benefits of Running on the Ageing Brain
- Alzheimer’s Disease: The Role of Physical Activity at Midlife
- Multiple Sclerosis and the Subsequent Effects of Resistance Training
- Does exercise improve mental health outcomes in younger people?
- Could hippotherapy have beneficial effects on walking ability in children with cerebral palsy?
- Reducing falls in MS patients: Exercise beyond the therapy room
- The Association between Physical Activity and Alzheimer's Disease
- Aquatic exercise and it's role in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease
- Effects of physical activity on ADHD
- Alzheimer's and the effect of physical activity
- Physical activity and it's relation to depression in adolescent females
- The Effect of Physical Activity on Mental Health in Older Adults
- Increasing Aerobic Capacity and Muscular Strength/Endurance in Children With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Exercise and chronic insomnia
Cardiovascular health
- The Effects of Exercise on Night Time Blood Pressure Dipping in Adults with Coronary Heart Disease
- The Effect of Aerobic Exercise Intensity on Cardiovascular Risk in Coronary Heart Disease Patients
- The benefits of a yoga regime on lung function in Indian Cardiovascular Artery Disease (CAD) patients
- The Effect of Exercise Training on Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
- Can exercise reduce coronary heart disease in patients with Schizophrenia?
- Short-term exercise-training and aortic systolic pressure augmentation in overweight individuals
- Getting Fit with Heart Failure - a waltz in the park
- Does a home based exercise program improve physical activity levels in patients with Peripheral Artery Disease?
Metabolic health
- Physical Activity and Glycemic Control in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes
- Effects of Physical Activity on Blood Glucose Control for Pediatric Type 1 Diabetics
- The Relationship between physical activity and poor Glycemic control in type 1 diabetic women
- High Intensity interval training for Type 2 diabetics
- HIIT or Prolonged Continuous Exercise- Which is better for obese young women?
- The Link Between Type 2 Diabetes and Inactivity. A closer look at Inactive Indigenous Australian Men
- Can Leisure time physical activity help prevent type 2 diabetes?
- Treating the metabolic syndrome: aerobic interval training vs. continuous moderate exercise
- Exercise to Prevent Gestational Diabetes
- Mums and bubs: the benefits of physical activity during pregnancy and the prevalence of gestational diabetes
- Reducing obesity through school based interventions
- The benefits of aerobic exercise as an adjunct therapy for controlling type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Effects of HIIT on insulin levels of young women
- Childhood Obesity: How television is causing a fat epidemic among kids
- How High Intensity Resistance training effects Type 2 Diabetes
- Type 1 Diabetes and Hypoglycemia post exercise
- High intensity exercise in diabetic population
- Is Fasting The Key To Pre Exercise Fat Loss?
Musculo-skeletal health
- Effects of HRT and high-impact exercise on skeletal muscle in post-menopausal women
- Increasing the activity of women in our aged care facilities with low bone mass
- Get cracking: The treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis with exercise
- Exercise and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Effects on Females with Fibromyalgia
- The therapeutic effects of hydrotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis
- The effects of aquatic and traditional exercise programs on persons with knee osteoarthritis
- Effectiveness of Exercise in Female Osteoporosis Sufferers
- Do sporting injuries in your youth lead to arthritis in older age?
- Pilates as treatment for symptoms related to Osteoporosis
- Positive effects of weight bearing exercises on postmenopausal women
- Chronic lower back pain and the effect of exercise rehabilitation
Respiratory health
- Going eccentric is good for COPD patients: benefits of eccentric ergometer training
- The effects of exercise on patients with Cystic Fibrosis
- Lifting for the Lungs - Resistance Training in COPD Patients During Periods of Acute Exacerbation
- The Improvement in Asthma, As Related to Physical Activity, Vitamins, and Antioxidant Loads
- Ground-based walking training to improve quality of life and exercise capacity in COPD
- Long-term Exercise Effect on FEV1 in Cystic Fibrosis
- Self-administered Exercise in Asthmatic Adults
- Exercise As a Means to Improve Health and Wellbeing In Patients with Advanced Pulmonary Hypertension
- The role of exercise training in cancer survivors
- Physical Activity Intervention for People with Advanced Lung Cancer
- The Effects of Resistance Training on Prostate Cancer Patients undergoing treatment
- Physical Activity Limitations for Breast Cancer Survivors to Protect Against Arm Lymphedema
- Aerobic Exercise for Treatment Related Fatigue in Men Receiving Radiotherapy for Localized Prostate Carcinoma
- Can a Home-based Physical Activity intervention for early stage Breast Cancer patients improve health or fitness?
- Does physical activity limit the level of fatigue experienced in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy?
- Running- the key to Longevity?
- How Exercise Impacts Those Suffering with Chronic Kidney Disease
- Exercise training effect on Obstructive Sleep Apnea and sleep quality
- Benefits of exercise therapy in the HIV-AIDS positive population
- Effects of exercise in Chronic Kidney Disease patients
- Effect of Physical Activity on Older Adults with HIV
- Efficacy of Aerobic Exercise Training in Myocardial Myopathy
- Physical fitness programmes effects on cardio respiratory function in sedentary students
- Exercise Improves Quality of Life in Polynesian Peoples with Chronic Disease
- Resistance Training is Safe and Improves Well-being in Patients with Chronic Lyme Disease
2016 Fact Sheets
Strategies to increase physical activity for health [in a specific population]
- "Switch-Play" in children: is it effective in reducing sedentary behaviour?
- The effectiveness of a school-based physical activity intervention on childhood overweight and obesity
- Physical activity barriers and enablers in lower limb amputees
- Older Adults embracing Fit-bits when managing chronic illness
- The impact of a community based exercise program on cognitive and physical function in adults with Alzheimer’s disease
- Playing Exergames at School to Target Weight Loss in Adolescents
- ‘Sistas’ and Aunties: sport, physical activity, and Indigenous Australian women
- Is dancing video game (DDR) an effective way to increase physical activity and to decrease sedentary time?
- Putting a leash on your health
- The Impact of an Interdisciplinary School-Based Health Behaviour Intervention on Obesity Among Youth
- Strategies to increase physical activities in youth sedentary behaviour
- Usefulness and effects of a healthy lifestyle program in a remote Aboriginal community
- Exercise for elderly Women with Osteoporosis; Does it Reduce Falls Risks?
- Effects of Exercise Programs on Functional Fitness for Older Adults with Arthritis
- How walking, cycling or being driven to school influences physical activity levels in children
- Treadmills and Infants: Do Stepping Machines work for infants with Down syndrome?
- Physical education making kids more fit and healthy
- Walking strategies to increase physical activity levels in white-collar workplaces
- Exergames - Can they improve the health of children?
- The relationship between dog ownership, physical activity and chronic hemodialysis
- Decline in physical activity among biracial adolescent girls
- Exercising the frail obese elderly - what is possible
- Using Pedometers to Increase Physical Activity Levels in Office Workers
- Increasing physical activity of youth in the modern world
- Reducing sedentary behavior in aging adults using smartphone technology
- Can your smartphone help you become more physically active?
- Physical Activity Benefits and Barriers for Refugee women
- There's an app for that- Mobile applications and the influence of physical activity among young people
- Ignorance or Laziness: Why are girls less physically active than boys?
- An Intervention to Increase Physical Activity in Children
Brain health
- Parkinson’s patients – Can we temp you to tango?
- The effects of exercise on Multiple Sclerosis
- Robot-assisted training in comparison to conventional training methods in post stroke patients
- Exercise, your supplement to a bigger brain in old age
- ADHD in children and the impact physical activity plays
- Aerobic Exercise in Parkinson's Disease: does it slow the decline?
- Effects of Physical Activity on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- 'Green Exercise' - Outdoor Physical Activity's Effect on Depression
- The Potential for Dementia Prevention utilising Multimodal Activity Intervention in the Mildly Cognitively Impaired
- Positive Emotion Motivated Tai Chi to reduce falls in Older Adults with Dementia
- Is HIIT and CP a match made in heaven? Can high functioning Cerebral Palsy children expect the same results as their peers with circuit training?
- The Effect of Exercise on Nursing Home Residents with Alzheimer's Disease
- Power for Parkinson Patients
- Music-based Exercise for Dementia Patients
- The effect of intense physical therapy for children with cerebral palsy
- Improving cognitive performance and psychopathology in depressive and schizophrenia patients through aerobic exercise
- Improving gait in people with Dementia after resistance & functional training
- Regular resistance training improves strength in multiple sclerosis patients
- Reducing the risk of dementia for adults 65 years of age and older through exercise
- Virtual reality: rehabilitation for stroke patients
- Effect of treadmill rehabilitation on ambulation and CV fitness in chronic stroke patients
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Can exercise help?
- Physical Activity and the Psychosocial Benefits in Young Children
- Exercise in OCD: a little less obsessed?
- The association between walking and future risk of dementia in older men
- Walking away from Bipolar disorder
- The effect of different exercise training programs on individuals living with dementia
- Mind over matter; how physical training affects mental health in chemical dependent patients
- Fighting Parkinson's, Dance Vs Exercise?
- Does intense physical exercise improve the seizure threshold in epileptics?
- The effects of different exercise programs on Parkinson's disease patients
- Physical Activity with Cognitive Tasks Improves Executive Functioning and Reduces Falls in Elderly with Alzheimer's Disease
- Functional Strength Training in Children with Cerebral Palsy
- Don't forget about exercise: physical activity interventions in Alzheimer's management
- Exercise as a treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Reduce falls and balance your life: is Tia Chi the answer to Parkinson's?
- How can high intensity exercise help dementia in nursing homes?
- Leisure time physical activity at midlife and subsequent development of dementia and Alzheimer's disease
- Use of Video Games (virtual reality) for rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsy patients
- The effect of an exercise therapy intervention for individuals with schizophrenia
- Physical Activity and Insomnia in Older Adults: Improved Sleep, Mood and Quality of Life after Aerobic Exercise
- Exercise for Patients with Parkinson's Disease- Does it improve spinal function and flexibility?
- Home-based treadmill training as a safe form of exercise for individuals with Parkinson’s disease
- Can gait patterns improve with resistance training in multiple sclerosis patients?
- Effect of Aquatic Exercise on Fatigue and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Multiple sclerosis
- Exercise as a Treatment for Depression
- Strategies to improve neuroplasticity in Parkinson's disease patients
- Regular exercise, anxiety, depression and personality
- Progressive resistance training in children with cerebral palsy
- Tai Chi & Parkinson's: Finding the balance within
- The implementation of a short term endurance training to improve patient outcomes from major depression
- Use it or lose it? Resistance training in ALS patients
- Can training the heart combat the risk of cognitive decline and dementia?
- Effects of Physical activity on Multiple Sclerosis
- Aerobic exercise and Chronic Primary Insomnia
- Exercise and Activities: Improving the sleep of those in Nursing Homes
- Physical Activity and its effect on cognitive function in older women
- The effects of Aerobic Exercise on Early Parkinson's Disease
- Can exercise be beneficial to people suffering from multiple sclerosis?
- Stabilizing memory function with physical activity in older Adults with Alzheimer's disease
- The Effects of Resistance Training on Cognitive Decline in Seniors with Mild Cognitive Impairment
- Physical Activity Effects on Prevention and Treatment of Dementia in Older Adults
Cardiovascular health
- Exercise is for the heart and the mind
- Pumping Blood: Can Exercise Improve Arterial Health
- Reducing the risk of CVD with daily physical activity in school children
- Is low intensity exercise the key to a good health related quality of life for cardiovascular disease sufferers?
- The Effect of Training Types on Heart Failure Patients
- Impact of High intensity and Moderate intensity training on vascular function
- Effects of Exercise for Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease
- The effects of Physical Activity on Atherosclerosis
- The Impact of School-based Walking Interventions on Cardiovascular Disease
- The immediate and long-term effects of exercise on blood pressure in patients with chronic kidney disease
- Survival of Coronary Patients: Surgery versus Exercise Interventions
- Does physical activity help to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease?
- Taking Cardiac Rehabilitation Home: Home-Based Interval Training for Heart Failure Patients
- How beneficial is physical conditioning of calf musculature in people with Chronic Venous Insufficiency
- Intense Exercise - The effects on coronary collateral circulation in patients with coronary artery disease
- Moderate Versus High Intensity Aerobic Training in Coronary Heart Disease Patients
- Drowning out the pressure: Can swimming help to reduce the effects of hypertension?
- The Effects of Exercise in Patients with ICD's
- The Benefits of High- and Low-Intensity Exercise in Stroke Patients
- Effects of exercise intervention on myocardial function in type 2 diabetes
- Exercise implications for red cell deformity in patients with COPD
Metabolic health
- Effectiveness of different modalities of exercise on metabolic regulation in obese adolescent boys
- Dietary- Behavioral- Physical Activity intervention for childhood obesity
- Relationship between Physical inactivity and adiposity in Prepubescent Boys
- Physical Activity in the Prevention of Gestational Diabetes
- A High Protein Diet With Resistance Training and It's Effect on Body Composition and Type 2 Diabetes in Overweight and Obese Patients
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Patients fertility improved by lifestyle changes
- Improving type 2 diabetes risk factors through exercise
- It's not too late to improve Glycemic Control - Exercise Intervention in Older Type 2 Diabetics
- Could using an app a day keep diabetes away?
- Metabolic Effects of Aerobic Training and Resistance Training in Type 2 diabetes
- Are Leisure time activities enough to melt away the elderly male beer belly?
- Controlling Type 2 Diabetes with High Intensity Interval Training
- Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes
- How can resistance training increase lower limb speed of strength during stair walking for people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy?
- Conquering diabetes with daily exercise
- Break up your sitting with light-intensity walking to reduce your chances of diabetes
- Effects of long term aerobic exercise on the development of neuropathy in Diabetic individuals
- General vs Vigorous Lifestyle Advice: The effects on the risk of diabetes
- Effects of exercise and its cessation on insulin resistance syndrome in obese children
- Sedentary Behaviour, a metabolic risk?
- The relationship between occupational choice and obesity in adults
- Accelerometer measured movement tracking physical activities improvement for diabetes and metabolic syndrome outcomes
- Can resistance training have a positive effect on older adults with type 2 diabetes?
- American football players not immune to Metabolic Syndrome
- Diabetes: Pharmacy vs Fitness
- Occupation Sedentary Behaviour: Can Increased Standing Time Reduce Sedentary Associated Diabetes and Obesity?
- Smartphone social networks and weight loss
- The Importance of Physical Activity in reducing the risk of Type 2 Diabetes
- Can aerobic and resistance training benefit late-onset Pompe disease patients undergoing enzyme replacement therapy (ERT)?
- Walking Versus Vigorous Physical Activity and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Women
Musculo-skeletal health
- Active Diabetic Kids Beat the Bone Density Blues
- Effect of exercise on patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Resistance training effects on muscle physiology in elderly postoperative patients
- Combating Cardiovascular Disease in Rheumatic Patients: is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) your new defence?
- The effects of strength and endurance training in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
- Do Stretching Exercises Help Reduce Lower Back Pain?
- Cross sectional and longitudinal studies on the effect of water exercise in controlling bone loss in Japanese postmenopausal women
- Stabilisation Exercise for those with Chronic Low Back Pain
- Is strength the key? The effects of high and low intensity resistance training on knee osteoarthritis
- Hydrotherapy or Supreme Ultimate Boxing for Osteoarthritis Management: You Choose
- Does the choice between pilates or cycling for chronic lower back pain matter?
- The effects of resistance training on Older Adults with Sarcopenia
- The benefit of hydrotherapy and Tai Chi classes for sedentary osteoarthritis patients
- The effects of Pilates on chronic low back pain
- The Benefits of Endurance Training in Adult Men with Becker Muscular Dystrophy
- Osteocise: Exercise and its impact on bone mineral density and falls risk
- Does Pilates benefit lower back pain in the elderly?
- The relationship between exercise frequency and bone mineral density development in exercising postmenopausal osteopenic women
- Hydrotherapy and juvenile idiopathic arthritis
- Arm Ergometer or ROM? Which Upper Extremity Exercise works best for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients
- Can exercise assist in the self-management of Rheumatoid Arthritis?
- Resistance exercise improves muscle strength, health status and pain intensity in fibromyalgia
- Strategic creatine supplementation around resistance training to reduce the risk of sarcopenia in older adults
- Endurance training to alleviate the pain of fibromyalgia
- Osteoporosis and resistance training. The dense connection
Respiratory health
- Clinical effects of active video game exercising on children with asthma
- Walking: A step in the right direction for COPD patients
- The Benefits of Habitual Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis
- Impact of regular physical activity on hospital admissions and mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Exercise, Physiotherapy and Cystic Fibrosis
- Controlling Young Adult Asthma Through Childhood Exercise
- Aerobic Capacities vs. Resistance Training in Children with Cystic Fibrosis
- Is pulmonary rehabilitation beneficial for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients?
- Reduced all cause mortality with increased physical activity in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients
- Swimming training helps kids breathe easy
- Exercising with Emphysema: Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction Benefits
- The Effects of Swimming Training on Children with Asthma
- The Impact of Self-Directed Exercise in Adults with Partly Controlled Asthma
- Exercise as a Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Does Moderate Intensity Exercise Improve Fitness and Quality of Life in Adults with Asthma?
- Which is more beneficial, physical exercise or chest physiotherapy for those with Cystic Fibrosis?
- COPD and Exercise - more activity = less mortality
- The Benefits of Resistance Training in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Adjuvant Radiotherapy
- Effects of exercise on physical health and quality of life in Cancer Patients
- Resistance exercises in the reduction of arm deficits following breast cancer surgery
- Can exercise reduce insulin to reduce breast cancer recurrence?
- Can exercise be an effective method of treatment of Pancreatic cancer as apposed to other types of therapy?
- The Effects of Physical Activity after Urinary Cancer Surgery
- Tailor made exercise for Breast Cancer survivors
- Physical activity and risk of end-stage kidney disease in the Singapore Chinese Health Study
- The relationship between sedentary behavior and mortality
- The effects of walking on the lives of Crohn's disease sufferers
- The Benefits of Regular Walking on Chronic Kidney Disease
- Exercise for Muscular Dystrophy: A new way to prolong independence
- Sedentary Time's Effect on Risk for Disease Incidents, All-Cause Mortality and Hospitalization in Adults Independent of Physical Activity
- Television viewing time and its association with cardiovascular disease mortality in adults
- Increasing Physical Activity to Improve Sleep and Mood Outcomes for People with Insomnia
- The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Patients with Gastrointestinal Symptoms
- Lifestyle factors effecting people developing multiple chronic diseases
- Exercise Therapy in Women With Fibromyalgia
- The 'Pet Effect' - Can Owning a Pet Improve your Adolescent's Health and Wellbeing?
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Benefits from Aerobic Exercise
2015 Fact sheets
Strategies to increase physical activity for health [in a specific population]
- Increased physical activity for adult dog owners**
- Physical activity counselling interventions in type II Diabetics
- Use of smartphone apps to increase physical activity
- Using active video games to increase physical activity in youth
- Health benefits of a pedometer-based physical activity intervention in sedentary workers
- Lifestyle intervention in Remote Australian Aboriginal Community for chronic disease prevention
- After School physical activity interventions for school children to prevent obesity
- Stairclimbing, is it enough for fitness and health in young, inactive women?
- Lifestyle or exercise physical activity, which is better for fitness and health?
- Strategies to increase physical activity in Samoan communities
- Technology and Physical activity motivation
- Breast Cancer Survivors' Motives and Adherence to Community Based Activity Programs**
- Strategies to increase physical activity in primary aged children during school recess breaks
- Fit mums’ and dads’, their role in encouraging children to stay active from an early age
- Using Pedometers to increase Physical activity and improve health
- Development of fundamental motor skills at school – crucial for continuing physical activity
- Physical activity interventions to improve chronic disease
Brain health
- Physical activity at mid-life, and dementia risk decades later**
- Physical Activity and Risk of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in Elderly Persons
- Resistance and Aerobic Interventions for Generalised Anxiety Disorder
- Combined exercise and cognitive activity to fight dementia in mild cognitive impairment
- Multi-component exercise in patients with dementia**
- The benefits of exercise on older adults suffering from depression
- Effectiveness of exercise Interventions in clients with Multiple Sclerosis
- The functional impacts of strength training in cerebral palsy
- Does Physical Activity act as a protective barrier against Depression in adolescents?
- Sustaining physical activity engagement in those with autism
- The effects of exercise training on individuals suffering from bipolar disorder
- Effect of Physical Activity on Cognitive Function in Older Adults at Risk for Alzheimer Disease
- Improving strength and function in Parkinson's Disease through eccentric resistance training
- Exercise or basic body awareness therapy as add-on treatment for major depression
- Balance and High-intensity resistance training on persons with Parkinson's Disease
- Can adaptive training and exercise improve balance and mobility in people with Parkinson's disease?
- How exercise can improve the quality of life of those who suffer from cognitive impairment
- The effects of a muscle endurance exercise program in ALS patients
- School based physical activity to reduce hyperactivity and ADHD symptoms
- Effects of aerobic and anaerobic training on psychological stress
- Sedentary behaviour and its impact on mental health in school aged children
- The effectiveness of yoga on the quality of life of multiple sclerosis patients
- Does the intensity of resistance training matter in combating depression?
- Can physical activity reduce anxiety across gender and age?
- How can behavioural management and general exercise programs affect Alzheimer's Disease sufferers?
- The effects of walking training on gait in patients with Parkinson's Disease
- Physical Activity as an intervention to ADHD in children
- The effects of resistance training on brain plasticity in the elderly
- The effects of exercise on the mental health of those with Parkinson Disease
- The effects of endurance training, and endurance training when combined with resistance training, on individuals with multiple sclerosis
- Impact of Exercise on Epilepsy in Rats
- Resistance training interventions for older type 2 diabetics
- The Effect of High Intensity Resistance Training on Glycemic Control in Older Type 2 Diabetics
- Physical activity interventions to improve Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and pregnancy outcomes**
- Exercise can reduce gestational diabetes mellitus**
- The Benefit of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on Cardiometabolic Disease**
- High intensity interval training for fat loss
- Aerobic or Resistance for type 1 Diabetics, what is best?
- The ant-inflammatory effects of exercise in type 2 diabetes
- Physical activity interventions to reduce cardiovascular risk factors in adolescents with type 1 diabetes
- The Effect of Combination Training on Insulin Secretion and Sensitivity in Overweight Adults**
- Walking and working, how treadmill working stations helping obese workers lose 30 kilos a year
- Result of Exercise on Overnight Glycemic Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes
- Benefits of Standing Desks on Childhood Obesity
- Intervals or steady exercise - what is better for metabolic syndrome?
- Effects of cycle training on metabolic syndrome
- Does exercise consultation improve exercise outcomes in type 2 diabetics?
- Strength training interventions for older type 2 diabetics
- Adding resistance training to aerobic exercise for women with type 2 diabetes
- Barriers to Physical Activity Among Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
- Using exercise as an intervention for obesity-related arthritis
- Land or water exercise for arthritis sufferers?
- Effects of exercise on bone mineral density
- Arthritis Specific Exercise Programs: Do They Work?
- Do the US National Arthritis Foundation’s recommendations stack up? Evaluating exercise guidelines against functional outcomes in arthritis
- Dancing your way to stronger bones
- Effectiveness of Aquatic Physical Therapy for the Improvement of Osteoarthritis of the Hip and Knee
- Resistance training and the effects on bone density in premenopausal women
- Exercising with Knee Osteoarthritis for Overweight/Obese Older Adults
- Effects of different types of exercise on people suffering from knee osteoarthritis
- Exercise to Reduce Risk Factors for Falls in Older Women with Osteoporosis
- The Benefits of Strength and Endurance Training for Individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Chronic Neck Pain in the Workplace - The Effectiveness of Resistance Training Interventions
- How much physical activity should osteoporotic men get?
- Yoga or exercise for chronic lower back pain?
- Effects of high resistance training for patients with myotonic dystrophy
- Benefits of progressive resistance training in elderly HIV positive patients
- Physical activity interventions to improve fitness and psychological well-being in breast cancer patients
- Anaerobic training for children with cystic fibrosis
- Water-based exercise for kidney disease
- Effect of Exercise on Patients Diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer
- Concurrent Cardiovascular and Resistance training for health in Older Adults
- Strength training in spastic cerebral palsy
- The effects of Physical Activity on Sitting: The Silent Killer of Sedentary Adults
- Benefits of Resistance Training for Female Breast Cancer Survivors
- Yoga Therapy: A way to Improve Functional Performance in People with Chronic Pulmonary Obstruction
- Can Resistance Training Improve Skeletal Muscle Health for People Who Suffer From Chronic Heart Failure?
- Can Tai Chi improve balance in people suffering from Parkinson's Disease? -
- Testosterone supplementation: improving mortality in men with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease through resistance training
- Exercise and its impact on Crohn's disease
- Can physical activity prevent asthma as we age?
- What is the risk of sudden cardiac death in American college athletes?
- Effects Of Swimming Training On Children With Asthma
- Aquatic exercise interventions for children with cerebral palsy
- The effect of resistance training on systemic inflammation in male adults with Down Syndrome
- Does physical activity level contribute to asthma?
- Effects of physical activity on asthma
- Importance of walking on life expectancy among rural elders
- The effect of weight loss strategies on obese asthmatics
- Is a home-based exercise cardiac rehabilitation program effective for elderly coronary heart disease patients?
- The effectiveness of exercise as a part of Cancer rehabilitation
2014 Fact Sheets
- Aerobic Exercise Benefits on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Benefits of physical exercise interventions for Myotonic Dystrophy patients
- Resistance Training & Lung Cancer
- Resistance Training & HIV/AIDS
- Exercise and Hypertension: What is the most beneficial exercise for reducing hypertension
- Dance as a means to reduce Depression
- The Effect of dance on symptoms of Parkinson's Disease
- The effect of hypothyroidism on exercise
- The Benefits of Exercise for People with HIV
- Effects of exercise on breast cancer recovery
- Exercise and its effects on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
- Exercise and its role in living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Exercise and prevention of type II diabetes
- The benefits of resistance training for people with down syndrome
- The importance of screening in the athletic population to detect early risk of Sudden Cardiac Disease
- Use of virtual reality in balance rehabilitation following acquired brain injury
- Weight Training vs Aerobic Training For Parkinson's Disease
- Resistance exercise for patients with end-stage renal disease
- Aerobic Exercise and its effects on Cystic Fibrosis
- Exercise management for peripheral artery disease
- Aerobic exercise and obstructive sleep apnea
- Resistance training for individuals living with multiple sclerosis
- Effect of aerobic exercise training on atherosclerosis
- Resistance training for Motor Neuron Disease
- The benefits of resistance training in Myotonic Disease Patients
- Resistance Training for athletes with Asthma
- The role of exercise in reducing the need for joint replacement for people suffering osteoporosis
- Plyometric training and Parkinson's disease
- Exercise for prevention and treatment of Kyphosis
- Whole body vibration exercise for patients with type 2 diabetes
- Exercise in the prevention of cancer
- Effect of exercise on adiponectin in improving insulin sensitivity
- The effects of aerobic training on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- High Intensity Interval Training: effect on Metabolic Syndrome factors
- Resistance Training and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Overcoming sedentary behaviour in combat veterans suffering PTSD through exercise
- The effects of physical activity on the symptoms of epilepsy
- The benefits of exercise on patients with Lupus Erythematosus
- Beneficial effects of exercise for individuals suffering Crohn's disease
- Resistance Exercise and it's effects on Depression
- The role of strength training in managing Ehlers Danlos
- Exercise and Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
- Exercise As A Tool For Managing ADHD
- Exercise to Alleviate ADHD Symptoms in Children
- Effects of resistance training on Osteoarthritis
- Dance for Parkinson'sː Improved Gait & Balance
- Exercise limitations in athletes with sickle cell disease
- The benefits of aerobic training for those suffering from Emphysema
- Exercise on Ankylosing spondylitis
- Gestational Diabetes in Pregnant woman and the benefits of physical activity
- Exercise and Thrombosis
- Effects of exercise on people with bipolar disorder
- The effects of strength training on patients with muscular dystrophy
- The female athlete triad - are elite athletes at risk
- The benefits of exercise in Down Syndrome
- Use of virtual reality in balance rehabilitation following acquired brain injury
- Exercise as a management tool for depression
- Effect of fibrosis on exercise ability and capacity
- Exercise prescription for people on Hemodialysis
- Aerobic vs Anaerobic exercise for children suffering from Cystic Fibrosis
- Efficacy of Aerobic Exercise in Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Is exercise an effective strategy to improve Alzheimer's Disease
- Effects of Yoga on Cardiovascular Health
- Anorexia Nervosa and Exercise Abuse
- resistance training VS aerobic training in diabetics
- the effects of physical activity on children with asthma
- The impact of exercise on the menstrual cycle
- Exercise induced asthma
- Medication vs. exercise in reducing dyslipidemia
- Resistance Exercise Interventions for Post Menopausal Osteoporosis
- Osgood-Schlatter Disease and Exercise
- Exercise vs Drugs as a Prescription for Depression
- The effects of exercise on Autism
- Strength Training and Cerebral Palsy
- The effects of exercise on insomnia
- The effect that exercise has on Ischemic heart disease
- Exercise and Prostate cancer
- The benefits of exercise towards positive mental health in those suffering anxiety
- the effects of exercise on depression in older adults
- The effects of physical activity on people with Dementia
- The Role of Exercise in Managing Charcot Marie Tooth Disease
- The effects of exercise for women post gestational diabetes in the prevention of the development of diabetes later in life
- The effects of exercise and sport on the cognitive function of primary school children
- Benefits of aerobic training for people with type 2 diabetes
- reducing the effects of Cancer related Fatigue through Exercise
- The effects of hippotherapy on cerebral palsy
- Mobility and Postural Effects of Exercise in Parkinson's Disease Sufferers
- Exercise for reducing the risk of stroke
- Effect of recreational aerobic exercise on Epilepsy
- the role of resistance training in the management of coronary artery disease
- Exercise in extreme cold and asthma
- The prescription of resistance training for preventing and treating osteoporosis
- Exercise for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Indigenous Australians
- The effects of resistance training on rheumatoid athritis
- The effects of exercise on Psoriatic arthritis
- Altitude Training and Asthma
- High intensity interval training: in coronary heart disease following a stent treatment
- Altitude training and asthma
- aerobic vs anaerobic exercise with insomnia
- Exercise and smoking cessation in women
- Thwarting Pulmonary Embolism with Exercise
- Motor Neuron Disease and exercise
- Excessive sitting inhibits Insulin function in Type 2 Diabetes
- Exercise's Effect on Inflammatory Arthritis
- Hydrotherapy in relation to rheumatoid arthritis
- The effect of exercise on the management of Meniere's disease
- the effects/benefits of Physical Therapy on the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease
- The effects of Physical Activity on Brain Cancer Survivors
- Aerobic Exercise and its effect on Insomnia
2013 Fact Sheets
Brain health
- Exercise program prescription for Parkinson's disease
- Exercise and its relation to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Exercise or Diet to manage Alzheimer's Disease?
- Exercise as a tool in preventing depression
- Exercise as a clinical treatment for depression amongst adolescents
- Exercise and depression, reducing symptom severity
- Exercise and epilepsy
- Exercise and its effects on Schizophrenia
- Aerobic vs anaerobic exercise for patients suffering from Alzheimer's Disease
- Benefits of aerobic exercise on quality of life after a stroke
- Computer gaming for stroke rehabilitation
- Exercise as a prescribed treatment for ADHD
- Exercise and its Effects on Dementia
- Aerobic exercise as an intervention for sleep apnea
- The effects of exercise on epilepsy
- Physical activity to reduce symptoms of Parkinson's disease
- General Anxiety Disorder and Resistance Training
- Exercise and Team Sports Effects on Depression
- Effects of exercise on cognitive abilities in elderly populations
- Obstructive Sleep apnea and exercise
- Exercise and it effects on the symptoms of Huntingtons's disease
Cancer related
- Heart complications in Endurance Athletes
- Effective treatment for atherosclerosis - Surgery vs Exercise
- Exercise Prescription for Patients with Heart Failure
- Preoperative exercise for CABG surgery and subsequent cardiovascular health
- Myocarditis and exercise
- Exercise Guidelines to Prevent Atherosclerosis
- Sudden cardiac death in athletes
- Exercise-induced ventricular tachycardia
- Physical Activity; An effective intervention for cardiovascular disease
- Exercise Effects on Cardiovascular Ageing
- Arrhythmia in Athletes
- The effect of exercise on CHD risk factors in smokers
- Exercise tolerance with Hemochromatosis
- The effect of resistance training on blood pressure
- Exercise prescription in obese hypertension patients
- Long term affects of resistance training on chronic hypertension
- Resistance Training and Stroke
- Exercise and Aortic Stenosis
- Bradycardia in athletes
- Aerobic exercise impact on coronary heart disease
- Aerobic or anaerobic: effect of exercise type on blood glucose in type 1 diabetics
- Combating Dyslipidaemia: Exercise vs Pharmaceutical intervention
- Exercise Prescription for the control of Metabolic Syndrome
- Lowering Cholesterol Levels: Exercise and Healthy Eating vs Drug Alternatives
- Aerobic Training vs Resistance Training and Type 2 Diabetes
- Metabolic syndrome and trekking at altitude
- Is aerobic exercise the best form of training for preventing/reducing effects of type II diabetes?
- Physical Activity intervention as a treatment for Osteoarthritis
- Utilising exercise in preventing and treating the onset of sarcopenia
- Exercise in the management of Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Elastic/Theraband use with the Osteoarthritic and Aging Client
- Exercise and Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- Exercise and osteoporosis
- The role aerobic exercise can play as a treatment for osteoporosis
- Ankylosing Spondylitis and Exercise
- Effects of exercise on Multiple Sclerosis
- Exercising with muscular dystrophy
- High impact exercise and its effects on osteoporosis
- Juvenile idiopathic arthritis and effective exercise treatments
- Exercise and preventing osteoporosis
- Exercise prescription for multiple sclerosis patients
- Exercise rehabilitation for paralysis of the legs
- Exercise and hypermobility syndrome
- The effects of exercise on chronic back pain
- Exercise effects on Cystic Fibrosis
- Exercise prescription and nutrition for Crohn's disease
- Exercise as a treatment option for Fibromyalgia
- The Effect of Exercise on Smoking Cessation
- The menstrual cycle in response to physical exercise in the female athlete
- Benefit of exercise for chronic kidney disease
- Benefits of exercise for people with cerebral palsy
- The Effect of Exercise on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Effectiveness of resistance training among people with cerebral palsy
- Exercise prescription for pregnant women
- Excessive exercise and anorexia nervosa
- Exercise creating a better quality of life for people with Spina Bifida
- Exercise Effects on Substance Addiction
- Fatty Liver and Aerobic Exercise
- Effects of ROM and resistance programs on Cerebral Palsy
- Resistance training guidelines for the elderly
2012 Fact Sheets
- Physical activity guidelines, after a Stroke
- **Effective exercise rehabilitation for stroke patients; aerobic vs resistance training
- Exercise and sudden cardiac death
- Resistance training and prevention of atherosclerosis
- **Pills vs exercise: reducing blood pressure in hypertension
- Exercise Guidelines for Reducing Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- Exercise post heart transplant
- Safe Exercise for Gestational Hypertension
Mental health
Cancer related
- Exercise and cerebral palsy
- Aerobic exercise benefits on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Aerobic exercise and relapsing Multiple Sclerosis
- Barriers to Exercise in Multiple Sclerosis
- A comparison of Aerobic and Resistance Training on Multiple Sclerosis
- Aerobic or Resistance training for Multiple Sclerosis?
- Physical Activity Guidelines for obesity women during pregnancy
- **Exercise for Autism?
- Exercise effects on Parkinson's Disease
- **Exercise to improve sleep quality in insomnia
- Benefits of moderate aerobic exercise on Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis
2011 Fact Sheets
- Hypertension: guidelines for exercise prescription
- Continuous and interval aerobic exercises for treating hypertension in older people
- Guideline for using Resistance exercise with Hypertension
- Hypertensive Medication and Implications for exercise
- Optimal Physical Activity for the Reduction of Hypertension
- Exercise during recovery from Myocardial Infarction
- Reversing the Effects of Insulin Resistance with Aerobic Exercise Fact Sheet
- **Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) in Indigenous Australians
- Preventing hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetics during and after exercise
- The benefits of exercise for reducing symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
- **Resistance Training and Insulin Sensitivity in Type II Diabetics
- Walking to control type 2 diabetes
- The effects of Resistance Training on the HbA1c of Type II Diabetes
- Type 2 diabetes and resistance exercise
- The relationship between type 1 diabetes and heavy exercise,
- Effects of aerobic exercise on metabolic syndrome
- Benefits of Exercise for Women with Gestational Diabetes
Mental health
Cancer related
- **The importance of exercise for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- **Asthma, exercise and cold environments
- Long-term use of oral corticosteroids in treatment of COPD and exercise prescription
- Long Slow Distance Training to Improve Aerobic Capacity in Cystic Fibrosis Patients
- The use of Salbutimol (Ventolin) in controlling Asthma when doing Cardio-respiratory exercise
- The Effects of Exercise on Smoking Induced COPD
- The use of resistance training in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in the elderly
- Effects of Resistance Training on the Reduction of Sarcopenia
- The effects of exercise on osteoporosis sufferers
- Osteoarthritis and resistance training as an intervention strategy
- Weight training in the treatment of osteoporosis
- Aerobic Exercise in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis
- Guidelines for Resistance Training in Children
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Wikibooks contains books on many medical topics; however, no warranty whatsoever is made that any of the books are accurate. There is absolutely no assurance that any statement contained or cited in a book touching on medical matters is true, correct, precise, or up-to-date. The overwhelming majority of such books are written, in part or in whole, by nonprofessionals. Even if a statement made about medicine is accurate, it may not apply to you or your symptoms.
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