< Erlang Programming


Timeouts are created by the [ receive - after - end ] structure. Timeouts are measured in miliseconds so 4000 = 4 seconds. We can create a simple timer with the following program: myTimer.erl

% ============================================================ >%
-module( myTimer ).
-compile( export_all ).
% A simple timer that uses a timeout.
start( Timeout ) ->
    after Timeout ->
        io:format( "your ~w secs are up." , [Timeout/1000] )
% ============================================================ >%
% Sample output:
% 8> c(myTimer).
% ok.
% 9> myTimer:start(4000).
% your 4.00000 secs are up.ok

Timeout values may be any number greater than or equal to 0, including the atom 'infinity'.

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