Epidemiology is the basic science of public health, as it is "the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states in specified populations, and the application of this study to control health problems." (CDC, Excite) This basically means it is the study of what causes health issues, its spread amongst populations, and using such analysis to solve such health issues. Determinants of good health, and their distribution in a population are also a common subject for study in epidemiology.
The purpose of this book is to provide an introductory look into the field of epidemiology to those interested in such issues, but not to ultimately replace any sort of advanced textbook. It will look at:
- The history and development of public health,
- Terms and concepts applied in the public health field,
- Common concerns and knowledge related to public health (i.e. what causes diseases, preventive methods), and
- An overview of the math used in epidemiological studies.
The goal is to demystify a subject which may appear daunting at first, but whose knowledge is beneficial to the general public.
History of Public Health

- On the History of Public Health
- Give Me Some of That Old Time Medicine
- Hippocrates: Grandfather of Epidemiology
- An Infamous Epidemic: Bubonic Plague
- Pox Parties: Smallpox and Vaccination
- A Treatise on Scurvey
- 1789: A Year of Revolutions
- Yellow Death: Yellow Fever in America
- John Snow: Father of Modern Epidemiology
- Influenza: The Flu of 1918
- Tuskegee: Ethics in Public Health
- 1981: Inklings of the AIDS Crisis
- Nutrition: Food and Preventive Measures
- Public Health in the Unwelcome Spotlight
- Review of Important Concepts and Developments
- Section Quizzes and Chapter Test
Introduction to Fundamental Concepts
- What Is Epidemiology Anyway?
- Case Study: Dozens Sickened by Apparent Food Poisoning
- Why Is Epidemiology Important?
- Understanding Terms: What Do I Mean When I Say...
- Defining the Steps of an Outbreak
- The Scientific Method
- Controlling the Problem
- Review of Important Concepts and Developments
- Section Quizzes and Chapter Test
Medical Disclaimer
Wikibooks contains books on many medical topics; however, no warranty whatsoever is made that any of the books are accurate. There is absolutely no assurance that any statement contained or cited in a book touching on medical matters is true, correct, precise, or up-to-date. The overwhelming majority of such books are written, in part or in whole, by nonprofessionals. Even if a statement made about medicine is accurate, it may not apply to you or your symptoms.
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