Schoolchildren, also called school kids, do homework. They do not like it. At least, they say that they do not like it. Homework is assignments that children do outside of class. However, sometimes students have time in class to do their homework. When a teacher gives an assignment to do during class it is called class work. Both homework and class work are types of schoolwork.
Sometimes students answer questions in a textbook.
- Teacher: Class, please turn your books to page seventy-one and do questions one through ten. If you don’t finish it is homework due tomorrow.
- Teacher: Open your books to chapter three and do every other question on page forty-five. Turn them in on my desk at the end of class.
Other times, homework is doing research and writing a report about something.
- Teacher: Your assignment will be a report about the causes of the US Civil War. It should be ten pages long, typed and double-spaced. Please include a bibliography of at least ten cited works. You may use the Internet. Please look up information in at least three books from the school library. Do not make more than three references to encyclopedias.
Students sometimes do homework together in groups. They call these groups study groups. This is part of the student’s sense of humor. This is because many American students prefer to socialize, or talk to their friends, than to do any work. Boys may tend to joke around while girls prefer to gossip about other girls.
Students in all levels of school may have to do homework. However, younger students usually have to do less homework than older students. In high school, some students may have to do several hours of homework a night. Students may do their homework at home or in a library. Another place where kids can work on their homework is in study hall. Study hall is an open period of the day. Students can use study hall to read, do homework, maybe talk with their friends, or make trouble.
Students sometimes complain that homework is boring. Other assignments are more interesting. Homework is hard if it makes you think a lot, and easy if it doesn’t make you think much. Americans call things that are easy “a piece of cake”. When a student finishes his or her homework he or she might like to relax for a while, go outside or watch some TV.
Other homework assignments may be a reading, math problems, an art project, or filling in answers in a worksheet.
- schoolchildren – niños de la escuela - öğrenci - schüler
- school kids – niños de la escuela - öğrenci - schüler
- homework – tareas - ödev - hausaufgabe
- assignments – tareas (cosas pedidas) - iş,görev - zuweisungen
- class – clase - sınıf - klasse
- students – estudiantes - öğrenci - schüler
- class work – trabajo de clase - sınıf çalışması - klassaufgaben
- schoolwork – trabajo de la escuela - okul çalışması - schulaufgaben
- questions – preguntas, dudas - sorular - fragen
- textbook – libro de texto -ders kitabı - lehrbuch
- due – se debe entregar - yeterli - gerekli - aufgrund
- to turn in – entregar - dönüş - liefernen
- to do research – hacer investigación - araştırma yapmak - erforschen
- to write a report – escribir un reporte - rapor yazmak - einen bericht schreiben
- typed - escrito con máquina çeşit- örnek - typisierte
- double-spaced – con espacio doble (entre líneas de texto) çift ara -
- bibliography – bibliografía kaynak -bibliyografya
- works – obras işler
- information – información bilgi
- books – libros kitaplar
- library – biblioteca kütüphane
- references – referencias danışmalar başvurmalar
- encyclopedias – enciclopedias ansiklopedi
- study groups – grupos de estudio çalışma grubu
- socialize – socializar toplum içine girmek -girişgen
- joke around – hacer bromas şakalaşmak
- gossip – chismear dedikodu
- younger – más jóven çok genç
- older – más grande çok yaşlı
- at home – en casa evde
- study hall – periodio (sala) de estudio çalışma salonu
- open period – periodo abierto bir ders
- read – leer okumak
- make trouble – hacer problemas sorun yaratmak(başbelası)
- complain – quejarse şikayet etmek yakınmak
- boring – aburrido sıkıcı
- interesting – interesante ilginç ilgi çekici
- hard – difícil (duro) zor
- easy – fácil kolay
- think – pensar düşünmek
- a piece of cake – algo fácil, “un pedazo de pastel” bir parça kek
- to finish – terminar bitmek,bitirmek,son
- reading – lectura okuma
- math problems – problemas de matemática matematik problemi
- art project – projecto de arte sanat projesi
- filling in answers – llenando respuestas cevapları doldurma
- worksheet – hoja de trabajo çalıma kağıdı,test