< English Property Law

English Property Law

In the UK, tenancy deposits are protected by the Tenancy Deposit Scheme:

  • your deposit must be covered by such a scheme, and
  • your landlord must provide you with certain information (the prescribed information) so that you can ensure that your deposit is covered, and identify it for later recovery or disputes.

An exception is deposits taken before 6 April 2007, before the relevant part of the Housing Act 2004 came into force. However, such deposits still have to be protected when the tenancy agreement is renewed.

At the end of your tenancy, to recover your deposit, you will need to provide the scheme with certain information.

Start of tenancy

Tenancy deposits are protected by Tenancy Deposit Schemes.

The landlord is required to provide you with information about your deposit (the prescribed information) within 14 days of the commencement of your tenancy.

When you receive this information, you can check online that your deposit is, in fact, enrolled in a scheme, and thus protected.


Check which Tenancy Deposit Scheme you are enrolled in. If using…

  • The Deposit Protection Service (The DPS)


  1. You will receive a Deposit ID and Repayment ID. Make a note of the Repayment ID, for instance writing it down and attaching it to your lease (via a sticky note, for instance), as you will need it at the end of your tenancy to recover your deposit.
  • Tenancy Deposit Solutions Ltd (TDSL)


  • The Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS)



  1. Receive Prescribed Information (details of Tenancy Deposit Scheme)
  2. Receive and note Repayment ID (and Deposit ID), if using the DPS

End of tenancy

To recover your deposit, check which Tenancy Deposit Scheme you are enrolled in.

If using:

  • The Deposit Protection Service (The DPS)
    • You will be asked by the DPS to supply your Repayment ID, which was supplied to you at the start of your tenancy. This is not the landlord’s Repayment ID – they have a separate one.
  • Tenancy Deposit Solutions Ltd (TDSL)
  • The Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS)
    • You will be asked by the TDS for your unique tenancy ID. This can be located on your tenancy deposit protection certificate or it can be located online at www.thedisputeservice.co.uk.


  1. Arrange and pay cleaners
  2. Recover deposit (using Repayment ID, if enrolled in the DPS) or (Tenancy Code if enrolled with TDS)


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