< Engineering Tables
000 00000000000NUL (null character)
000 00010010101SOH (start of header)
000 00100020202STX (start of text)
000 00110030303ETX (end of text)
000 01000040404EOT (end of transmission)
000 01010050505ENQ (enquiry)
000 01100060606ACK (acknowledge)
000 01110070707BEL (bell)
000 10000100808BS (backspace)
000 10010110909TAB (horizontal tabulation)
000 1010012100ALF (line feed/new line)
000 1011013110BVT (vertical tabulation)
000 1100014120CFF (form feed)
000 1101015130DCR (carriage return)
000 1110016140ESO (shift out)
000 1111017150FSI (shift in)
001 00000201610DLE (data link escape)
001 00010211711DC1 (device control 1)
001 00100221812DC2 (device control 2)
001 00110231913DC3 (device control 3)
001 01000242014DC4 (device control 4)
001 01010252115NAK (negative acknowledge)
001 01100262216SYN (synchronous idle)
001 01110272317ETB (end of transmission block)
001 10000302418CAN (cancel)
001 10010312519EM (end of medium)
001 1010032261ASUB (substitute)
001 1011033271BESC (escape)
001 1100034281CFS (file separator)
001 1101035291DGS (group separator)
001 1110036301ERS (record separator)
001 1111037311FUS (unit separator)
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