< Embedded Systems
Wikimedia Resources
- Robotics
- Communication Systems
- Digital Signal Processing
- List of emulators
- Wikiversity:Embedded System Engineering
- Serial Programming Book
- Programmable Logic
- Parallel Computing and Computer Clusters
- Electric Circuits
- Analog and Digital Conversion
- Embedded Control Systems Design
Related Programming Resources
Web Resources
- "AN887: Microcontrollers made easy" 2002 a gentle introduction to microcontrollers in general and some of the things they do, with lots of pictures.
- Knowledge and concepts behind VLSI chip design
- Embedded System description in simple words
- Microcontrollers Forum
- http://www.EmbeddedRelated.com/
- Embedded White Papers, Downloads, Companies, News, Articles
- Microcontroller based free projects.
- Embedded Systems Design Magazine has articles such as "The basics of programming embedded processors: Part 1" by Wayne Wolf
- Embedded Systems Resources
- Electronics Components Tutorials for Robotics
- Dedicated Systems Magazine
- RTC Magazine
- COTS Journal
- Portable Design Magazine
- PKG Magazine
- www.embeddedcommunity.com
- "Tools for Embedded Developers" recommended by the Ganssle Group
- Embedded System News
- Embedded Systems Weekly
- "Technical Report on C++ Performance" by Dave Abrahams et al. has a lot of tips for using C++ in embedded systems.
The article "Turn a kid on to embedded systems" by Jack Ganssle 2005 recommends these books:
- "MC68HC05 Family, Understanding Small Microcontrollers" free download from Freescale "a well-written 300+ page tome that I highly recommend."
- "Ham Radio for Dummies" by Ward Silver 2004.
- the "ARRL Handbook" published by the American Radio Relay League.
- the "Engineer's Mini-Notebook for the 555 Timer." 32 pages by Forrest Mims III
- "Getting Started in Electronics" by Forrest Mims III ... "a 128-page complete intro to the field ... available from W5YI.org"
- "The Art of Electronics" by Horowitz and Hill. "For advanced tech wannabees only."
- "An Embedded Software Primer" by David Simon "the best introduction to writing firmware available."
- "Embedded Systems Design Using the Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor" by Kamal Hyder and Bob Perrin.
Other books about embedded systems:
- Barr, Michael et al. "Embedded Systems Dictionary" ISBN 1578201209
- Predko, Myke. "Programming and Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers", McGraw Hill, 2002. ISBN 0071361723
- Pont, Michael J. "Embedded C" Addison Wesley, 2002. ISBN 020179523X
- Berger, Arnold S. "Embedded Systems Design: An Introduction to Processes, Tools and Techniques" CMP Books, 2001. ISBN 1578200733
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