Embedded Control Systems Design
This section discusses some important applications which contain embedded control systems. The aim is to describe each system by means of the structure, classifications and terminologies introduced in the previous chapters of this book. The different applications will be discussed according to the layout of this book:
- Requirements
- Design process
- Application-specific implementations
This chapter will not elaborate on the generic design processes, which have already been discussed in the other chapters. Each of the different sections will rather point out specific aspects that have to be taken into account in the design of the respective application, but might be less important in other designs. The different sections will also point out where these design criteria should be taken into account in a normal design process for these applications.
The goal of this chapter is not to give an exhaustive overview of all the different embedded systems in the different applications, but merely to give an overview of the most important specific systems and demands. There won’t be an overview off all the hard- and software components either, because valuable information on these can be found elsewhere …
The applications treated in this wikibook are:
- Robotics: industrial robots, machine tools, RoboCup soccer robots
- Automotive: cars, trucks, trains
- Aviation: airplanes, helicopters
- Home and Building Automation
- Aerospace: rockets, satellites
- Energy systems: windmills, nuclear plants
- Medical systems: prostheses, revalidation machines