By the end of this lesson, you will be able to know different articles of women's clothing.
Let's begin with some vocabulary building excercises.
Exercise 1: Picture matching
This is an interactive lesson where your goal is to select the picture that matches the phrase at the top of the screen. If you click on the wrong picture it will gray out and you can click again to choose another picture. If you want to start the lesson over just reload the page.
Exercise 2: Audio lesson
This is an audio lesson. You can either listen online and read the transcript as you go, or you can download the lesson and listen to it on your phone or music player.
Exercise 3: Example dialogue
In the following scene, Lupe has just purchased a scooter and is extremely excited to ride on her new Vespa. Though she is concerned about looking cute in the warm weather, her father, Jorge, is more concerned with her safety.
Lupe: ¡Mire mi nueva Vespa! ¿Esta bien chula verdad?
Jorge: Si. Me gusta el color. ¿Que ropa te vas a poner cuando la uses?
Lupe: Me voy a poner unos vestidos largos, o una falda con tacones altos. Pero no se preocupe, papá. Me voy a poner una chaqueta de cuero para protegerme.
Jorge: Estas loca. Ni blusa de dejo poner. Tienes que cubrirte completamente. Tienes que ponerte pantalones largos, botas largas y una chaqueta de cuero.
Lupe: ¡No se le olvide el casco!
Jorge: Si, mija. Tienes que proteger tu cabeza linda.
Lupe: Si, papi. Estaba burlando. Por supuesto tengo pantalones largos, botas, una chaqueta de cuero y un casco.
Jorge: Que bueno. Maneja con cuidado.
Vocabulary words
- falda- skirt
- vestido- dress
- blusa- blouse
- zapatos- shoes
- tacones altos- high heels
- botas- boots
- chaqueta de cuero- leather jacket
- pantalones- pants
- casco- helmet