By the end of this lesson you will know words for autumn produce.
Let's begin with some vocabulary building excercises.
Exercise 1: Picture matching
This is an interactive lesson where your goal is to select the picture that matches the phrase at the top of the screen. If you click on the wrong picture it will gray out and you can click again to choose another picture. If you want to start the lesson over just reload the page.
Exercise 2: Audio lesson
[Placeholder for audio lesson activity]
This is an audio lesson. You can either listen online and read the transcript as you go, or you can download the lesson and listen to it on your phone or music player.
Exercise 3: Example dialogue
In the following dialogue Jorge asks Lupe to pick up some stuff from the supermarket. He wants to cook a special dinner for his wife.
Watch out for a common saying in spanish, using two rhyming words. See if you could figure out what the word "necesita" means.
Jorge: ¿Puedes ir a la supermercado después del trabajó?
Lupe: Si, papa. ¿Que necesita?
Jorge: No se. Quiero hacer una cena para tu mama.
Lupe: Es temporada de calabaza y calabacín.
Jorge: ¿Que te pasa calabazas?
Lupe: Nada, nada. Limonada.
Jorge: La calabaza y calabacin suena bien.
Lupe: ¿Va hacer postre?
Jorge: Si. ¿Me puedes traer manzanas, canela y castañas?
Lupe: ¿Va hacer un pastel?
Jorge: No. Voy hacer ponche. Es como sidra.
Lupe: O. Que rico.
Vocabulary words
- apple - manzana
- chestnuts -castañas
- cider - sidra
- cinnamon -canela
- pumpkin - calabaza
- maize - maíz
- squash -calabacín