< Easy Ido

These are small words you put on the front of other words to change the meaning, like the "im" in "impossible". You can use these to make all new words of your own if you know how they work.
- des makes things opposite. facila (easy), desfacila (hard).
- ex is the same as in English. ex-prezidanto (ex-president).
- mi gives the meaning of half. mi-cirklo (semicircle).
- mis is when something is done wrong. mis-uzar (to misuse).
- ne makes something negative. ne-posibla (impossible).
- par goes on a verb to show that it was done well, or completely. par-lektar (to read thoroughly).
- pre means "before". pre-nomo (first name).
- pseudo is the same as in English. pseudo-religioza (pseudo-religious).
- retro gives the meaning of "backward". retro-irar (to go back).
- ri is like the English "re", meaning to do again. ri-facar (to do over again).
- sen gives the meaning of "without". sen-denta (toothless).
Suffixes part one
These are the same as prefixes except that they go on the end. Remember to take the last -o, -a, or other ending off the word before you put a suffix on.
- Use -ach- when you don't like something or when you look down on it. infanto (child), infantacho (brat).
- Use -ad- after taking the -ar off of a verb to show repeated action. Parolar (to talk), parolado (a speech).
- Use -aj- to show something that is made out of that word. bela (beautiful), belajo (something beautiful), manjar (to eat), manjajo (food).
- Use -an- when you are talking about someone that belongs to a certain group. klubo (club), klubano (club member), Kristo (Christ), Kristano (Christian). You also use this as an adjective for talking about people from different lands. Japonia (Japan), japoniana (Japanese).
- Use -ar- when you want to talk about a large collection of the first word. Homo (person), homaro (humanity). Libro (book), libraro (library).
- Use -atr- when you want to say that something is similar to, or has similar qualities to the root. sponjo (sponge), sponjatra (spongy)
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