< ERP Internals < Modules

Contacts keeps track of the names and addresses of everyone the enterprise has dealings with who isn't a customer, supplier, or employee. In addition to the usual information, Contacts often keeps personal information such as birthday on the contact. Most of these names and addresses are leads or prospects from Sales & Marketing. Normally, Contacts keeps track of every meeting anyone from the enterprise has with the contact including meetings scheduled for the future. Every ERP has a Contacts module.


The first group of tables consists of the Contact table which contains one record for every contact and the Personal Contact table which contains one record for every personal contact at each business contact. There is at least one personal contact record for every contact and there can be several. The second table is the Interaction table which contains one record for every interaction (meeting, telephone call, etc.). There is at least one interaction for every contact and there can be many.

Data Exchange

Contacts does not send or receive transactions to/from other modules.


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