< ERP Internals < Data Tables < Supplier
This table contains one record for every supplier.
Used by: Accounts Payable, Purchasing
Key: Supplier Number
- Supplier Number (a unique identifier assigned by the user)
- Type
- Organization/Individual (individual must have exactly one person record)
- Active (Yes/No)
- Group (used to group national accounts together)
- Name
- Address 1
- Address 2
- City
- State/Province
- Country
- Zip/Postal Code
- Telephone
- Website
- Alternative Supplier Number
- Tax ID
- 1099 Exempt (Y/N)
- 1099 Number
- Language
- Usual Currency
- Usual Terms
- Usual FOB
- Usual Ship Via
- Bank Code
- Duplicate Invoice Checking (Yes/No)
- Credit Limit (this is the limit the supplier is imposing on the enterprise, used by Purchasing)
- Hold (Yes/No) (If "yes", no transactions can be entered)
- Holdback Percentage
- Holdback Days
- Current Accounts Payable Balance (a calculated field that the user cannot change)
- YTD Volume (a calculated field that the user cannot change)
- Supplier's Number for Us (this is the customer number that the supplier has assigned to us)
- GL Distribution Group (contains all the postable account numbers)
- Notes
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