< ERP Internals < Data Tables
This table contains one record for every employee.
Used by: Human Resources, Payroll
Key: Employee Number
- Employee Number (a unique identifier assigned by the user)
- Type
- Active (Yes/No)
- Last Name
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Suffix
- Title (Mr/Ms/Mrs/etc.)
- Job Title
- Department (this is selected from a table unlike all the other department fields)
- Address 1
- Address 2
- City
- State/Province
- Country
- Zip/Postal Code
- Business Telephone
- Telephone Extension
- Home Telephone
- Mobile
- Pager
- Pay Rate
- Pay Frequency
- Vacation Accrual Rate
- Accrued Vacation
- Sick Day Accrual Rate
- Accrued Sick Days
- Picture
- Ethnic Origin (used for US government reporting)
- Military Status
- Country-Specific Tax Fields
- Hire Date
- Next Review Date
- Termination Date
- Termination Reason (ROE Code)
- Birthdate
- Gender
- Marital Status
- Number of Dependents
- Emergency Contact Name
- Emergency Telephone Number
- Bank Name (for Direct Deposit)
- Bank Account Number (for Direct Deposit)
- Manager Employee Number
- Union
- Union Number
- GL Distribution Group (contains all the postable account numbers)
- Language
- Notes
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