The Handbook of E-Government Scales (name and content borrowed from Handbook of Management Scales) is a collection of previously used multi-item scales to measure constructs in empirical e-government research literature.
The Handbook of E-Government Scales helps to find previously used scales, but will not release the researcher from carefully testing the scales in terms of reliability and validity before using them.
You are invited to contribute by adding new multi-item metrics to this Scales Handbook. Scales from high-ranked journals are preferred that are developed in a systematic scale development process and that are tested to measure a construct in terms of specification (reflective vs. formative), dimensionality, reliability, and validity (including content, convergent, discriminant, and nomological validity). For each scale at least its objective items, source, and, if available, reliability (e.g. Cronbach's alpha, item reliability, composite reliability, average variance extracted) should be listed.