Amsterdam-One of the two Dutch Capitals(the other is The Hague), was one of the main centers of trade during the 16th, 17th and 18th cetneries.
Anglo-Dutch Wars-Four wars between England and the Dutch Republic over trade in the Baltic and the Atlantic.
Aruba-An island in the Caribbean that has been a Dutch possession since 1634, and is currently part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Batavia-A city that was conquered in 1619, and renamed Batavia by the Dutch. It was the center of the Dutch possessions in the East Indies until Indonesian independence 1949.
Battle of the Downs-Battle during the Dutch Revolt in 1639, that permanently crippled the Spanish Navy.
Battle of Waterloo-Battle against Napoleon led France, in which the Dutch Troops were led by William II.
Berbice-A former colony that is today Guyana. It was under Dutch rule from 1627–1712, 1713–1781, 1784–1796 and 1802-1803. It was formally ceded in 1814, to the British.
Borneo-The third largest island in the world, located in present-day Indonesia. The Dutch ruled the southern and middle parts of the island, while the British ruled the Northern.
Cape Colony-A Dutch settlement in present-day South Africa, on the Cape of Good Hope. The first settlement was in 1652, and it would remain under Dutch control until 1795, and from 1803-1806.
Deshima-A Dutch trading post in the bay of Nagasaki on an artificial island, and the only European trading post in Japan for 200 years.
Dutch Acadia-Area in Eastern Canada briefly occupied by the Dutch in 1674, but they continued to claim the colony until 1678.
Dutch East India Company-A Dutch company(also known as the VOC) that was established in 1602. It would start colonies in India, Indonesia, Formosa(Taiwan), South Africa and a number of other places. It was one of the most successful companies ever, but was dissolved in 1800.
Dutch East Indies-The largest, and most important, Dutch possession in the Empire. It was held from 1602-1949, expanding over time. It was given independence in 1949, after a 4 year war, and is today known as Indonesia.
Dutch Guiana-Presently known as Suriname. Was taken from the English in 1667 following the Second Anglo-Dutch War, in exchange for New Netherland. Independence was granted in 1975.
Dutch West India Company-A Dutch company founded in 1621. It established colonies in the Atlantic region including New Netherland, Suriname and Berbice. It was dissolved in 1791.
Java-An island that was the center of the Dutch East Indies. It was the most valuable island in the East Indies as well.
Maarten Tromp-One of the most famous Dutch Naval Admirals in their history. He served during the end of the Revolt, and during the First Anglo-Dutch War.
Maurice of Nassau-Son of William the Silent, led major campaigns, that were successful, against the Spanish during the revolt.
Michiel de Ruyter-One of the most famous, and arguably the greatest, Dutch Naval Admirals in their history. Led the Dutch in the "Raid on the Medway" and was recently voted the 7th greatest Dutchman ever.
Netherlands Antilles-A group of islands in the Caribbean that has been a possession of the Dutch since 1634 and is currently part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Netherlands New Guinea-A Dutch possession on the island of Guinea which remained under Dutch control until 1962, unlike the rest of the East Indies. It was passed to UN control in 1963 and handed over to Indonesia soon after.
New Amsterdam-A city founded by Peter Minuit in 1626 on the southern tip of Manhattan Island. It is today New York City.
New Netherland-The Dutch colony that occupied present day New York, New Jersey, and some of the surrounding states. It was first explored in 1609, and in 1624 the permanent settlement was founded. It was surrendered to the British in 1664.
New Orange-The name of the Dutch city in New York and New Jersey after they had re-taken New Netherland from the English from 1673-1674.
Paramaribo-The capital and largest city of Suriname. It was established by the English, but taken by the Dutch after the 2nd Anglo-Dutch War.
Peter Stuyvesant-Last, greatest, and most famous, Director-General of New Netherland. Expanded the size of the colony, in numbers and territory.
Raid on the Medway-A battle during the Second Anglo-Dutch war in which the Dutch crippled the English fleet and forced them to sure for peace.
Sumatra-The largest island entirely in Indonesia. The Dutch began to settle it in the late 1700s but the entire island was not under Dutch control until 1904.
The Hague-One of the two Dutch Capitals(the other is Amsterdam), and is currently the seat of Government.
West Timor-The west part of the island of Timor. It was originally controlled by the Portuguese but the Dutch ousted them in the 1600s.
Treaty of Munster-A treaty signed in 1648, that ended the Thirty-years war and the Dutch Revolt. In it, Spain and the Holy Roman empire recognized Dutch independence.
Utrecht-City in the center of the Netherlands.
William I-The first King of the Netherlands from 1815–1840, established the present day government of the Netherlands.
William II-The second King of the Netherlands, son of King William I. He began the transition towards democracy. Ruled form 1840-1849.
William III-The third King of the Netherlands that ruled from 1849 to 1890.
William the Silent-Father of the Netherlands, led the starting stages of the Revolt against Spain, but was murdered in 1584.