< Dungeons & Dragons < Monsters
The following is a list of archived monsters on Wikipedia that can be ported to the D&D Wikibook. Some of these may only exist as redirects, in which case they will be moved to a to-do list instead.
- Aballin
- Abeil
- Abrian
- Adherer
- Aerenal
- Aerial servant
- Ahuizotl
- Akadi
- Al-mi'raj
- Algoid
- Alhoon / Illithilich
- Alkilith
- Allip
- Ambush drake
- Animal
- Animated object
- Animus
- Aranea
- Ascomoid
- Ashen husk
- Assassin vine
- Astral dreadnought
- Athach
- Atomie
- Aurumvorax
- Avalancher
- Avariel
- Axe beak
- Baelnorn
- Banderlog
- Banshrae
- Barbazu
- Bariaur
- Basidirond
- Basilisk
- Bhaergala
- Bionoid
- Blindheim
- Bloodhulk
- Bodak
- Bogun
- Boneclaw
- Bonesnapper
- Brain in a jar
- Bronze serpent
- Brownie
- Buckawn
- Bunyip
- Buomman
- Cadaver collector
- Caryatid column
- Caterwaul
- Catfolk
- Cave cricket
- Cave fisher
- Changeling
- Chimera
- Choldrith
- Cloud dragon
- Coffer corpse
- Cooshee
- Corpse gatherer
- Crabman
- Crawling claw
- Crucian
- Crypt thing
- Crysmal
- Cyclops
- Daanvi
- Daelkyr
- Daemonfey
- Dal Quor
- Darfellan
- Dark tree
- Death watch beetle
- Debbi
- Dendar the Night Serpent
- Destrachan
- Devourer
- Dhakaan
- Diakk
- Digester
- Dire animal
- Displacer serpent
- Dolgaunt
- Dolgrim
- Draconic creatures
- Dracotaur
- Draegloth
- Dromite
- Dryad
- Ear seeker
- Effigy
- Elemental drake
- Eneko
- Ephemera
- Equiceph
- Ethergaunt
- Fal
- Faun
- Feytouched
- Fiendwurm
- Firefriend
- Flameskull
- Floating eye
- Foo creature
- Forlarren
- Froghemoth
- Frost salamander
- Fyrefly
- Gammaroid
- Garagos
- Garyx
- Gathra
- Ghour
- Giant insect
- Giant space hamster
- Giff
- Gloomwing
- Good lich
- Gorgimera
- Gray glutton
- Greater mummy
- Greenhag
- Griffon
- Grisgol
- Grugach
- Guecubu
- Heway
- Ibixian
- Ityak-Ortheel
- Half-dragon
- Half-elf
- Hangman tree
- Helmed horror
- Heway
- Histachii
- Hsing-sing
- Ibixian
- Jermlaine
- Joystealer
- Kezef the Chaos Hound
- Ki-rin
- Kopru
- Laghathti
- Lamia
- Landwyrm
- Linnorm
- Loxo
- Marilith
- Mist dragon
- Mohrg
- Molydeus
- Mul
- Myrmyxicus
- Myrlochar
- Neogi
- Neraph
- Nilbog
- Oaken defender
- Ocean strider
- Orog
- Phantom fungus
- Planetar
- Pseudo-dragon
- Pterafolk
- Pyrolisk
- Quori
- Rakasta
- Rhaumbusun
- Riedra
- Rhek
- Sarlona
- Saurial
- Sea hag
- Seryulin
- Shadow dragon
- Shield guardian
- Shifter
- Siamorphe
- Silver dragon
- Sleek
- Slicer beetle
- Spawn of Tiamat
- Spinagon
- Spirit of the land
- Stellar dragon
- Stunjelly
- Swan may
- Tamara
- Tanarukk
- Tendriculos
- Thorn
- Thrum worm
- Tibbit
- Tressym
- Tucker's kobolds
- Tyrg
- Urd
- Uzollru
- Valley elf
- Vampire spawn
- Vashar
- Vermin
- Violet fungus
- Volodni
- Warforged
- Wind walker
- Witchlight marauder
- Wood woad
- Wrackspawn
- Xoriat
- Yellow mold
- Zodar
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