Hello World
The following program prints the "Hello World" message on the screen (std-out).
show "Hello World"
Run the program
To run the program, save the code in a file (for example: hello.dgn),
then from the command line or terminal, run it using the Dragon Interpreter:
dragon -r hello.dgn
Multi-Line literals
Using Dragon we can write multi-line literals, as in this example:
show "
Welcome to the Dragon programming language
How are you?
You can write showln to append a newline to the output:
showln "Hello"
show "hi"
Getting Input
You can get input from the user using the readln() method:
select "std"
showln "Enter your name"
a = readln()
show "Hello " + a
No Explicit End For Statements
You don't need to use ';' or ENTER to separate statements. Some lines in the previous program that were separate can be combined on one line:
select "std"
showln "Enter your name"
a = readln() show "Hello " + a
Writing Comments
We can write single-line comments and multi-line comments.
The single-line comment starts with //
Multi-line comments are written between /* and */
select "std"
showln "Enter your age"
a = readln() // print message on screen and get input from the user
show "Age: " + a // say hello!
// show "Bye!"
.. note:: Using // to comment a line of code is just a coding style.