< Discrete Mathematics < Logic
Logic Exercise 1
- Which of the following are propositions?
- (a) Buy Premium Bonds!
- (b) The Apple Macintosh is a 16 bit computer.
- (c) There is a largest even number.
- (d) Why are we here?
- (e) 8 + 7 = 13
- (f) a + b = 13
- p is "1024 bytes is known as 1MB"
- q is "A computer keyboard is an example of a data input device".
- Express the following compound propositions as English sentences in as natural a way as you can. Are the resulting propositions true or false?
- (a) p q
- (b) p ∨ q
- (c) ¬p
- p is "x < 50"; q is "x > 40".
- Write as simply as you can:
- (a) ¬p
- (b) ¬q
- (c) p q
- (d) p ∨ q
- (e) ¬p q
- (f) ¬p ¬q
- One of these compound propositional functions always produces the output true, and one always outputs false. Which ones?
- p is "I like Maths"
- q is "I am going to spend at least 6 hours a week on Maths"
- Write in as simple English as you can:
- (a) (¬p) q
- (b) (¬p) ∨ q
- (c) ¬(¬p)
- (d) (¬p) ∨ (¬q)
- (e) ¬(p ∨ q):
- (f) (¬p) (¬q)
- In each part of this question a proposition p is defined. Which of the statements that follow the definition correspond to the proposition ¬p? (There may be more than one correct answer.)
- (a)
- p is "Some people like Maths".
- (i) "Some people dislike Maths"
- (ii) "Everybody dislikes Maths"
- (iii) "Everybody likes Maths"
- (You may assume in this question that no-one remains neutral: they either like or dislike Maths.)
- (b)
- p is "The answer is either 2 or 3".
- (i) "Neither 2 nor 3 is the answer"
- (ii) "The answer is not 2 or it is not 3"
- (iii) "The answer is not 2 and it is not 3"
- (c)
- p is "All people in my class are tall and thin".
- (i) "Someone in my class is short and fat"
- (ii) "No-one in my class is tall and thin"
- (iii) "Someone in my class is short or fat"
- (You may assume in this question that everyone may be categorised as either tall or short, either thin or fat.)
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Logic Exercise 2
- Construct truth tables for:
- (a) ¬p ∨ ¬q
- (b) q (¬p ∨ q)
- (c) p (q ∨ r)
- (d) (p q) ∨ r
- Construct truth tables for each of the following compound propositions. What do you notice about the results?
- (a) p ∨ (¬p q)
- (b) p ∨ q
- Repeat question 2 for:
- (a) p (q p)
- (b) p q
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Logic Exercise 3
- For each pair of expressions, construct truth tables to see if the two compound propositions are logically equivalent:
- (a)
- (i) p ∨ (q ¬p)
- (ii) p ∨ q
- (b)
- (i) (¬p q) ∨ (p ¬q)
- (ii) (¬p ¬q) ∨ (p q)
- Construct the truth table for each of the following expressions. Try to find a simpler logical equivalent in each case:
- (a)
- ¬a ∨ ¬b ∨ (a b ¬c)
- (b)
- (a b) ∨ (a b ¬c d) ∨ (¬a b)
- Use the Laws of Logic or truth tables to simplify as far as possible:
- (a)
- ¬(¬a ¬b)
- (b)
- (a b) ∨ (a ¬b) ∨ (¬a b)
- (c)
- (q ¬p) ∨ p
- Use a truth table to show that the proposition p ∨ (q ∨ ¬p) is always true (T), whatever the values of p and q.
- p, q and r represent conditions that will be true or false when a certain computer program is executed. Suppose you want the program to carry out a certain task only when p or q is true (but not both) and r is false.
- Using p, q, r, , ∨ and ¬, write a statement that will only be true under these conditions.
- Use truth tables to show that:
- ¬((p ∨ ¬q) ∨ (r (p ∨ ¬q))) ≡ ¬p q
- Use the laws of logical propositions to prove that:
- (z w) ∨ (¬z w) ∨ (z ¬w) ≡ z ∨ w
- State carefully which law you are using at each stage.
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Logic Exercise 4
- Propositions p, q, r and s are defined as follows:
- p is "I shall finish my Coursework Assignment"
- q is "I shall work for forty hours this week"
- r is "I shall pass Maths"
- s is "I like Maths"
- Write each sentence in symbols:
- (a) I shall not finish my Coursework Assignment.
- (b) I don’t like Maths, but I shall finish my Coursework Assignment.
- (c) If I finish my Coursework Assignment, I shall pass Maths.
- (d) I shall pass Maths only if I work for forty hours this week and finish my Coursework Assignment.
- Write each expression as a sensible (if untrue!) English sentence:
- (e) q ∨ p
- (f) ¬p ⇒ ¬r
- Draw up truth tables to determine whether or not each of the following propositions is always true:
- (a) p ⇒ (p ∨ q)
- (b) (p ⇒ q) ⇒ (q ⇒ p)
- (c) (p (p ⇒ q)) ⇒ q
- (d) (p q) ⇒ p
- (e) q ⇔ (¬p ∨ ¬q)
- Draw up truth tables to show that p ⇒ q, ¬p ∨ q and ¬q ⇒ ¬p are all logically equivalent.
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Logic Exercise 5
The following predicates are defined:
- friend is "… is a friend of mine"
- wealthy is "… is wealthy"
- clever is "… is clever"
- boring is "… is boring"
Write each of the following propositions using predicate notation:
1 Jimmy is a friend of mine.
2 Sue is wealthy and clever.
3 Jane is wealthy but not clever.
4 Both Mark and Elaine are friends of mine.
5 If Peter is a friend of mine, then he is not boring.
6 If Jimmy is wealthy and not boring, then he is a friend of mine.
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Logic Exercise 6
- Using the same predicates you defined in Exercise 5, symbolise each of the following.
- (a) Some of my friends are clever.
- (b) All clever people are boring.
- (c) None of my friends is wealthy.
- (d) Some of my wealthy friends are clever.
- (e) All my clever friends are boring.
- (f) All clever people are either boring or wealthy.
- Define suitable propositional functions, and hence symbolise:
- (a) All pop-stars are overpaid.
- (b) Some RAF pilots are women.
- (c) No students own a Rolls-Royce.
- (d) Some doctors cannot write legibly.
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Logic Exercise 7
- In each of the following, define suitable one-place predicates and a suitable universe of discourse. Then symbolise the statements.
- (a) Some computer programmers can’t understand spreadsheets.
- (b) Every prisoner deserves a fair trial.
- (c) There are some intelligent people who support Crystal Palace Football Club.
- (d) Some stupid people don’t like curry.
- (e) All university students are good-looking or intelligent.
- (f) Not all cars are noisy and dirty.
- In the following, the universe of discourse is {people}. One-place predicates are defined as follows:
- cheats is "... cheats at cards"
- punk is "… has punk hair"
- scout is "... is a Boy Scout"
- Write the following propositions as sensible English sentences:
- (a) ∃ x, scout(x) cheats(x)
- (b) ∀ x, punk(x) ⇒ cheats(x)
- (c) ∀ x, scout(x) ⇒ ¬(punk(x) ∨ cheats(x))
- (d) ∃ x, cheats(x) ¬punk(x)
- Translate the following into symbolic form, using two-place predicates, defining a suitable universe of discourse in each case.
- (a) All cows eat grass.
- (b) Harry is better at Maths than someone.
- (c) Somebody likes the Rolling Stones.
- (d) No-one expects the Spanish Inquisition.
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