An arithmetic expression returns a numerical value that can be used directly or stored in a numerical variable.
Addition operator "+"
The operator allowing the addition is the + operator. It allows to add a number or the result of an arithmetic expression to a number or an expression.
1 var
2 x, y, z: integer;
4 begin
5 x := 5; // Value of x is 5
6 y := 3; // Value of y is 3
7 z := x + y; // Z now has the value 8 (value of x plus y)
8 end.
Subtraction operator "-"
The operator allowing the subtraction is the - operator. It allows to subtract a number or the result of an arithmetic expression to a number or an expression.
1 var
2 x, y, z: integer;
4 begin
5 x := 5; // x = 5
6 y := 3; // y = 3
7 z = x - y; // Z = 2 (value of x minus y)
8 end.
Multiplication operator "*"
The operator allowing the multiplication is the * operator. It allows to multiply a number or the result of an arithmetic expression with a number or an expression.
1 var
2 x, y, z: integer;
4 begin
5 x := 5; // x = 5
6 y := 3; // y = 3
7 z := x * y; // Z = 15 (value of x times y)
8 end.
Division operator "/"
The operator allowing the division is the / operator. It allows to divide a number or the result of an arithmetic expression by a number or an expression. The result is a float.
1 var
2 x, y: integer;
3 z: real;
5 begin
6 x := 5; // x = 5
7 y := 3; // y = 3
8 z := x / y; // Z = 1.666 (value of x divided by y)
9 end;
Euclidean division operator "div"
The operator allowing the euclidean division is the div operator. It allows to divide a number or the result of an arithmetic expression by a number or an expression. The result is a rounded integer.
1 var
2 x, y, z: integer;
4 begin
5 x := 5; // x = 5
6 y := 3; // y = 3
7 z := x div y; // Z = 1 (value of x divided by y)
8 end;
Modulo operator "mod"
The operator allowing the modulo is the mod operator. It allows to get the remainder of a number or the result of an arithmetic expression divided by a number or an expression.
1 var
2 x, y, z: integer;
4 begin
5 x := 5; // x = 5
6 y := 3; // y = 3
7 z := x mod y; // Z = 2 (remainder of x divided by y)
8 end;
Multiple expression
You can nest expressions but don't forget the brackets.
1 var
2 w, x, y, z: integer;
4 begin
5 w := 10; // w = 10
6 x := 5; // x = 5
7 y := 3; // y = 3
8 z := (w - x) * y; // Y = 15 (w subtracted by x and then multiplied by y)
9 end;