Czech verbs in infinitive usually end by -t or -ti but we can find some with -ci or -ct which doesn't influence conjugation at all. However the most important verbs such as být (to be) are irregular so the best way to learn them is separately for ex. from this summary. To be able to conjugate regular ones we have to divide them in 5 classes based on their present form in the 3rd person of singular. Native speaker does it naturally and most of Czechs doesn't even know about existence of classes. Foreigner has to learn not just infinitives and their traductions but the present in 3rd p. of sg. If you know it, you can simply change the suffixe for other person.
Frequently-used verbs and their present form in 3rd p. of sg
czech infinitive | present form | traduction (infi) | class | |
číst | on čte | to read | he's reading | 1 |
jet/jít | on jde | to go | he's going | 1 |
psát | on píše | to write | he's writing | 1 |
žít | on žije | to live | he's living | 3 |
milovat | on miluje | to love | he loves | 3 |
stát | on stojí | to stand/to cost | he's standing | 4 |
spát | on spí | to sleep | he's sleeping | 4 |
jíst | on jí | to eat | he's eating | 4 |
volat | on volá | to call | he's calling | 5 |
1st class: -e
nést - on nese (to carry)
sg | pl | |
1st | já nesu | my neseme |
2nd | ty neseš | vy nesete |
3rd | on nese | oni nesou |
psát - on píše (to write)
sg | pl | |
1st | já píšu | my píšeme |
2nd | ty píšeš | vy píšete |
3rd | on píše | oni píšou |
2nd class: -ne
začít - on začne (to start)
sg | pl | |
1st | já začnu | my začneme |
2nd | ty začneš | vy začnete |
3rd | on začne | oni začnou |
3rd class: -je
kupovat - on kupuje (to buy)
sg | pl | |
1st | já kupuji | my kupujeme |
2nd | ty kupuješ | vy kupujete |
3rd | on kupuje | oni kupují |
4th class: -í
prosit - on prosí (to beg)
sg | pl | |
1st | já prosím | my prosíme |
2nd | ty prosíš | vy prosíte |
3rd | on prosí | oni prosí |
5th class: -á
dělat - on dělá (to do)
sg | pl | |
1st | já dělám | my děláme |
2nd | ty děláš | vy děláte |
3rd | on dělá | oni dělají |