This book was initiated by Olivier Michel and has been further developed during two master projects at EPFL by Fabien Rohrer and Nicolas Heiniger. It is now freely available and open to new contributions on wikibooks. Please pay attention to the Table of Contents if you plan to contribute to it. A PDF version was generated with javaLatex.
This book is released under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License and Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Such a license grants free access to its content in the same sense as in free software. This principle is known as copyleft. That is to say, the content of this book can be copied, modified, and redistributed so long as the new version grants the same freedoms to others and acknowledges the authors of the book. This book therefore will remain free forever and can be used by anybody subject to certain restrictions, most of which serve to ensure that freedom.
Learning about Intelligent Robots
This book is geared towards students, teachers, hobbyists and researchers interested in intelligent robots. It will help you in understanding what robots are, what they can do for you, and most interestingly how to program them. It includes two parts: a short theoretical part and a longer practical part. The practical part is decomposed in one chapter about the computer configuration and five chapters of exercises corresponding to five levels of difficulty (see the next section). It relies on the Webots simulation software and the e-puck robot. After reading this book, you should be able to design your own intelligent robots.
Table of Contents
- Main page
- About this book
Part I : Theory
Part II : Practice
- Getting started
- Beginner programming Exercises
- Novice programming Exercises
- Intermediate programming Exercises
- Advanced Programming Exercises
- Cognitive Benchmarks