< Cultural Shifts in England

Darwin’s theory proposed the principle of natural selection, sexual preferences that pass on chosen characteristics. This selective process takes account of social, biological, and cultural structures; analysing fitness, wellness, strength, adaptability, and mental agility. Survival of the fittest for humans is about babies where they are born, to whom, where and when.

Anthropology - the study of man as an animal, deals with the historical measurement of mind and body – size, shape, motor skills and cognitive factors. Secular trends: refers to generational changes within a restricted land space, source population, culture and particular physical preferences, i.e. sports.

Trends show man has grown taller, fatter and older on a varied diet including milk, warding off sickness and death by better general health care with a resistance to common infectious diseases. Couples are marrying later, the divorce rate is slowly creeping up for first and multiple marriages, the birth rate is dropping, and women have babies later to older men. The numbers of homosexuals ‘coming out’ has increased. It is a fact that every human bears a different genetic code making each unique. Children inherit characteristics which are carried on chromosomes that transmit genetic information (DNA).

Previous views of stereotypical men and women no longer remain true. Men are generally taller, heavier and stronger but die sooner although the gap is narrowing. Women are improving their sporting prowess taking a greater interest in all games previously the preserves of men. Most jobs, except when requiring greater strength are available and competed for by women, although heavy engineering still holds a preponderance of men.

Men are physically dominant suggests strength can dictate. There has been and continues to be a preponderance of men controlling and leading, business and the arts. Women, bearing, protecting, and nurturing children, need security. Time and energy supporting children limits competitive activity. Competition stimulates competitiveness which drives forward new advances. Strong management techniques, limited unemployment, fear of being laid off, bonuses and good projections all contribute to push forward progress.

Over the millennium human survival needed adaption – manipulation of the flora and fauna. Wandering tribes and animal herders stopped their seasonal migrations. Stability aided farmers growing cereals and rice to provide a staple diet. Populations have turned to factory production and industrialization. Competition between all societies pushes forward knowledge, experimentation and development. Generally profit has become the password to successful advancement.

The advancement in man’s growth, especially since the world wars pushed forward advancement of women’s rights and freedom’s, includes social, cultural and physical preferences. Education is likely to give a greater understanding of bodily functions and sexual preferences. However, with knowledge and evolutionary progress there remains ignorance about self induced and partner induced sexual activity.

Children are interested in their bodies, they play and experiment. Penises become erect girls long for breasts and pubic hair. In teenage years play continues with greater sexual interest. Masturbation, a part hidden subject - discussed mainly amongst same sex groups, is practiced by the majority. It is believed early education stimulates sexual interest before responsible behaviour. Sexual bodily functions - the cognitive act, has been scientifically examined… however, conceptual, emotional and willingness are not so easily expressed. Social morality and personal embarrassment still restricts freedom even though books are read, lessons given and opinions questioned.

Sexual intercourse has evolved by evolutionary processes stimulated by a natural instinct to procreate. Humans are joined by mutual attraction, conceptual agreement and opportunity - agreement for physical contact has become a social necessity. Procreation - love making, is usually initiated by words of endearment and affection. Human intercourse usually takes place lying down facing each other. It is the male which initiates having each function reflected. The actions, both before and after undressing, defined as foreplay, it is foreplay which stimulates and heightens the experience an act which uses both nature and design.

Mutually agreed regular sexual engagement, not necessarily intercourse, talking through daily happenings: incidents and feelings, expressing desires, hopes and fears, are the two most important human bonding agents.

A prelude to intercourse, further mutual touching, eye contact, stroking and caressing especially by the male to breasts and vulva. Passionate kissing confirms mutual desire. The results are mutual arousal leading to penis erection, and vagina and uterine secretion. It is the female’s prerogative to either accept or reject penetration. This acceptance plus greater understanding of foreplay are the areas which have evolved. From penetration to ejaculation can take seconds whilst foreplay can last from minutes to hours.

Gradually excitement intensifies, warmth generated by an increased blood supply to the sexual organs further increases pleasure. Touching, kissing and full bodily contact continues as each stimulates the other. Active responses exchanged, words of endearment interspersed with words of pleasure made… gentle caressing drives forward passions. Each strokes the other’s sexual organ as the erection of the penis continues. The folds of skin that protect the vagina flatten and open apart. Female bodily fluids lubricate the opening of the vagina.

Simulation of penis penetration by hand further stimulates causing rhythmic muscle contractions that keep pace with natural urges as the cervix and vagina, uterus and anus, contracts and relaxes. The clitoris, a small highly sensitive glans covered by a hood of skin, lying slightly above the vulva opening, swells with blood. The pungent lubricating fluid continues to flow as the vagina too swells displaying the vaginal opening… gentle pressure is made to the clitoris whilst easing back the hood. The fingers alternate between feather-light and slightly heavier pressure keep up a gentle circular motion.

Feelings of excitement felt as the climax closes in - the clitoris and penis head are now extremely sensitive and delicate. The penis, now fully erect inserted into the vagina to bring about the highest sensual feeling, is guided backwards and forwards to create further friction as finally ejaculation occurs. The final thrust of the penis made as close to the cervix as possible to eject into the uterus.

-- (discuss) 11:52, 7 April 2014 (UTC)

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