Core War programs are written in a programming language known as Redcode. Redcode does not have access to direct input or output.
Each opcode in Corewar contains three components: The instruction, register A, and register B. In the core, each memory section contains exactly one opcode, and provides no independent numbers.
The registers A and B are relative addresses, described in the Address modes below.
Opcode | Description |
DAT A,B | Data; executing this instruction kills the task. |
MOV #A,B | If one is immediate, copied immediate number to B. |
MOV A,B | Moves instruction at A to B. However, if A is immediate, copies the immediate number to B. |
ADD A,B | Adds A to B. |
SUB A,B | Subtracts A from B. |
MUL A,B | Multiplies A and B to produce the result. |
DIV A,B | Divides B by A. Division by zero kills the process. |
MOD A,B | Modulus of B in A. Division by zero kills the process. |
JMP A,B | Jumps to A. |
JMZ A B | If *B is 0, jumps to A. |
JMN A,B | If *B is not 0, jumps to A. |
DJN A,B | Decreases *b. If non zero, jumps to A. |
CMP A,B | If *a == *B (or if immediate, #A == *B), skips an instruction |
SPL A,B | Creates a new task, which starts at B. Newer task starts first. |
SEQ A,B | Skips past the next instruction if A and B are equal. |
SNE A,B | Skips past the next instruction if A and B are not-equal. |
SLT A,B | Skips if *A < *B. (88 only) |
XCH A,B | At A, swaps A and B. (extended only) |
PCT A,B | At A, Protects operands from changing, until an instruction is written to that address. |
NOP A,B | Has no special effect (although operands are still evaluates.) |
STP A,B | Stores A into P-Space at location specified by B. |
LDP A,B | Retrieves data from P-Space at location specified by B into A. |
Address modes
Each opcode listed above contains two registers. These registers are composed of both a number and an address mode:
# | Immediate. The number is directly in the opcode. |
$ (or none) | Direct. The opcode points to a cell relative to the current cell. |
@ | Indirect. The opcode points to a cell relative to the current cell. That cell's B value is added to the indirect pointer, to provide the target. |
< | Indirect, but the intermediate register is decreased before use. |
> | Indirect, the intermediate register is increased after use. |
* | A-field Indirect. The opcode points to a cell relative to the current cell. That cell's A value is added to the indirect pointer, to provide the target. |
{ | A-field Indirect, but the intermediate register is decreased before use. |
} | A-field Indirect, the intermediate register is increased after use. |
Special commands
END | Stops compilation, further lines are treated as comments. |
ORG | Takes one parameter, which identifies the start location. |
PIN | Specifies P-Space identifier. If equal, the two programs share P-Space. |
<label> EQU <A> | Replaces all instances of <label> with <A>. |
Instruction modifiers
.A | A -> A |
.B | B -> B |
.AB | A -> B |
.BA | B -> A |
.F | A->A and B->B |
.X | A->B and B->A |
.I | Entire instruction. |
P-Space is a private storage used by programs across multiple runs of a program, that cannot be directly accessed by the opponent. However, attacks by programs can trick other programs into corrupting the P-Space region
In the opcode listing above, there are two instructions that can read and write to P-Space: STP and LDP.