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Cookbook | Recipes | Ingredients | Vegetable
| Potato
Potatoes come in a vast number of varieties. This page lists some of the most popular.
Britain and Ireland
A small reddish potato, normally used as a new potato, served boiled.
A small red-skinned maincrop potato, with a creamy texture, best used baked or roast.
King Edwards

A large, all purpose potato. Normally used as an old potato, and traditionally served roast as part of a formal Sunday dinner (with roast beef).
Maris Piper
A white potato, which can be harvested new or, more usually, as an old potato, when it is widely regarded as among the best potatoes for making into chips.
A large to very large maincrop potato with a reddish skin and a smooth texture. Good roast.
Pink fir apple

A long, thin potato with a knobbly, pinkish skin. Normally boiled in its skin and allowed to cool for use in a salad.
Shetland Black
A variety first introduced in the 1920s. The skin is dark purple, rather than black, and the flesh is creamy with a nutty flavour. Best roast or baked, but can be boiled in its skin for an attractive visual appearance and contrast in texture.