Cookbook | Recipes | Ingredients | Units of measurement
A Calorie or kilocalorie (sometimes kcal, C, Cal or less accurately calorie or cal) is a unit of energy; it is equal to 4185.5 Joules or 3.968 Btu.
Calories provide the energy needed for growth and activity. Consumable calories come from four main sources: proteins, carbohydrates, fats and alcohol.
Proteins provide 4 calories per gram, and are found large concentrations in seafood, meats, poultry, and eggs.
Fats, such as butter, olive oil, and lard, supply 9 calories per gram.
Like proteins, carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram. Foods with high concentrations of carbohydrates are sweet or starchy, such as sugars, honey, fruits, rice, pasta, potatoes, and bread. Carbohydrates can lead to one ingesting more calories than the numbers suggest, because carbohydrates do not suppress appetite as well as proteins and fats do.
Alcohol provides 7 calories per gram, but is not recommended as a dependable source of energy, due to health problems related to its over-consumption.
Decreasing Caloric Intake
Some people may wish to decrease their caloric intake in order to lose weight, for appearance, health or overall well-being. Decreasing caloric intake can be done through reducing the overall amount of food one eats, switching to lower-calorie foods, or a combination of both methods.
Increasing Caloric Intake
Some people may need to increase their caloric intake in order to gain weight, or just in the short-term for increased energy.
One can increase the calorie content of one's food by adding oil and fat. A tasty way to do this is by frying food; in particular the deep-fat method adds a large amount of fat to food. Oil can be added to many soups, without lessening the enjoyment of the soup, for increased calories.
Normally low-calorie foods such as pasta and vegetables can be enhanced by adding cheese, salad dressing, cheese sauce, and gravy. Fruits can be treated with cream or chocolate. Many snack foods, such as pretzels and crackers, can be dipped in butter or peanut butter.
If one is increasing his/her caloric intake for a shorter-term jolt of energy (such as for running a race), greatly increasing consumption of fats is not recommended. Typically, in the day or two before the needed energy boost, one should consume a larger amount of carbohydrates.