It is necessary to install Julia and afterwards the ControlSystems.jl package. It is recommended to follow the official Julia Documentation. Julia can be executed in a terminal but it is quite practical to use an IDE like Juno/Atom or Visual Studio Code.
The ControlSystems.jl package has to be loaded with
using ControlSystems
before the function can be evaluated.
Throughout this course it is assumed that the source code is typed in the Julia REPL to print the results instantaneously. Otherwise, results can be printed with
Classical Control
Transfer Function
Consider the transfer function
The transfer function is created similar to other numerical toolboxes with numerator and denominator as
num = [1, 2] # Numerator den = [3, 4, 5] # Denominator G = tf(num, den) # Transfer function
The REPL responses an overview of the created transfer function object
TransferFunction{ControlSystems.SisoRational{Int64}} s + 2 --------------- 3*s^2 + 4*s + 5 Continuous-time transfer function model
Poles and Zeros
The poles of transfer function are computed with
and the REPL responses
2-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}: -0.6666666666666665 + 1.1055415967851332im -0.6666666666666665 - 1.1055415967851332im
The zeros of transfer function are computed with
and resulting in
1-element Array{Float64,1}: -2.0
The function
will response the zeros, poles and the gain.
The Pole-Zero Plot is created with
Impulse and Step Response
It is handy to define the simulation time and a label for both plots with
Tf = 20 # Final simulation time in seconds impulse_lbl = "y(t) = g(t)" # Label for impulse response g(t) step_lbl = "y(t) = h(t)" # Label for step response h(t)
The impulse response is created with
impulseplot(G, Tf, label=impulse_lbl) # Impulse response
and the step response is built with
stepplot(G, Tf, label=impulse_lbl) # Step response
Bode and Nyquist Plot
The Bode plot is printed with
bodeplot(G) # Bode plot
and the Nyquist plot (without gain circles) is printed with
nyquistplot(G, gaincircles=false) # Nyquist plot
The gain circles can be toggled with the boolean flag.
If only the numerical results of the Bode/Nyquist plot are of interest and not their visualization, then one can use