Hubble's Deepest View Ever of the Universe Unveils Earliest Galaxies
Table of contents (Print version)
See also Wikipedia articles regarding
- Colonization of the Moon
- Colonization of Mars
- Colonization of Venus
- Asteroid mining
- Domed city
- Floating cities
- Generation ship
- Globus Cassus
- Human adaptation to space
- Ocean colonization
- Solar twin
- Solipsism Syndrome
- Space elevator
- Space and survival
- Space Colony (Gundam)
- Terraforming
- Underground city
- Vision for Space Exploration NASA's long range plan
- Colonization of the outer solar system
External links
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Space Colonization Technical Committee (SCTC)
- Visualizing the steps of solar system colonization
- "Is the surface of a planet really the right place for expanding technological civilization?" Interviewing Gerard O'Neill
- Biological Effects of Weightlessness
- space colony - The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight
- HobbySpace: Life in Space: Section C: Colonies, Habitats, Space Industry, etc Extensive collection of links
- Orbital Space Settlements NASA's orbital space habitats site, which includes a contest for K-12 students
- Space Development: The Case Against Mars by K. Eric Drexler. A 1985 article with arguments against Martian colonization.
- Space Settlements: A Design Study Authored by the participants of "The 1975 Summer Faculty Fellowship Program in Engineering Systems Design" under the sponsorship of NASA and American Society for Engineering Education. Proposal for a space habitat with 10,000 people.
- The Political Economy of Very Large Space Projects John Hickman argues that only government can afford the high initial investment for very large space development projects.
- Space and Human Survival: My Views on the Importance of Colonizing Space Sylvia Engdahl discusses the "critical stage" where a level of technology allows both space colonization and human extinction.
- Space Quotes to Ponder Quotes on why humankind must expand into space.
- Space Quotations - a collection of inspiring quotes and phrases about space colonizing and stargazing, said by prominent individuals
- Spaceflight or Extinction Academics and other leaders explain that we should colonize space to improve our chance of survival. Authors include Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan.
- Space Settlement discusses the orbital space settlement concepts of Gerard O'Neill.
- PERMANENT (Projects to Employ Resources of the Moon and Asteroids Near Earth in the Near Term) is a guide to websites about asteroid mining and space settlement.
- Mars colonization:
- Warm-Blooded Plants and Freeze-Dried Fish Freeman Dyson predicts that space colonization will only be affordable after a hundred years; and that biotechnology, not propulsion, will be the enabling factor. See Astrochicken.
- Testimony of Michael D. Griffin Hearing on "The Future of Human Space Flight". Michael D. Griffin believes that the "human space flight program is in the long run possibly the most significant activity in which our nation is engaged".
- Island One Society - ideas about libertarian space colonization.
- National Space Society - non-profit organization that promotes a spacefaring civilization
- mailing list to discuss http://ColonyFund.com/
- 4Frontiers Corporation - Commercial Space Commerce company whose intention is to establish the first permanent settlement on Mars
- Mars Foundation - Non-Profit Organization pursing public outreach and technology development for Mars settlement
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