< ColdFusion Programming
Coldfusion can handle the creation, modification, display, and usage of dates.
Setting a Date
In order to set a date use the cfset function.
<cfset mydate = '12/3/2006'>
Displaying a Date
The basic display of a date is simply to output it.
This would display: 12/3/2006
There is function that allows you to easily convert a date into another format.
<cfoutput>#dateformat(mydate, 'yyyy/mm/dd')#</cfoutput>
This would display: 2006/12/3
The options to be used here are:
- d: Day of the month as digits, no leading zeros
- dd: Day of the month as digits
- ddd: Day of the week, abbr.
- dddd: Day of the week, name
- m: Month as digits, no leading zero
- mm: Month as digits
- mmm: Month as abbr.
- mmmm: Month as name.
- y: Year - last two digits, no leading zeros
- yy: Year - last two digits
- yyyy: Year - four digits
The options can be separated by - / , or space to create the format that you want.
Modifying a date
If we want to add 5 days to today we would use this function.
<cfset todayplus5 = dateadd('d', 5, now())>
The options for dateadd are:
- yyyy: Year
- q: Quarter
- m: Month
- y: Day of year
- d: Day
- w: Weekday
- ww: Week
- h: Hour
- n: Minute (remember m is for month not minute)
- s: Second
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