This page is intended to be a reference for using JDBC with Clojure. We'll create a simple blog database to see the basic functions in
For the latest, most up-to-date community-managed documentation for the library, consult Using java.jdbc on Clojure Documentation. This WikiBooks page is written around a very old version of the library and most of the examples here will not work with newer versions.
Connection Examples
Below are several examples of connecting to a database of JDBC through Clojure. They all depend on the Clojure Contrib library org.clojure/java.jdbc. Also, you need to have the proper JDBC jar in the class path.
Microsoft SQL Server
(use '
(def db {:classname ""
:subprotocol "sqlserver"
:subname "//server-name:port;database=database-name;user=sql-authentication-user-name;password=password"
;Add Classpath to your C:\Program Files\Java\JDBC\sqljdbc_3.0\enu\sqljdbc4.jar
;Below code demos how to execute a simple sql select query and print it to console
;This query will print all the user tables in your MS SQL Server Database
(with-connection db
(with-query-results rs ["select * from sys.objects where type = 'U'"]
(doseq [row rs] (println (:name row)))
;;Instead of passing user and password, you can authenticate yourself using current system user (es. current windows user)
;;To do this you have to add the string "integratedSecurity=true", removing user and password
(def db {:classname ""
:subprotocol "sqlserver"
:subname "//server-name:port;database=database-name;integratedSecurity=true"})
;;You have also to add the "sqljdc_auth.dll" file to your java.library.path (you can find the dll file into the JDBCDriver folder /enu/auth/platform you probably download before)
;;An easy way to check what is your current java.library.path is calling this from leiningen repl
(. System getProperty "java.library.path")
;;I suggest reload the shell or the system after the dll is added
Apache Derby
Derby supports either client/server or embedded operation. This example uses the embedded mode.
(use '
(let [db-path "c:/derby/myblog"]
(def db {:classname "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"
:subprotocol "derby"
:subname db-path
:create true}))
(let [db-protocol "tcp" ; "file|mem|tcp"
db-host "localhost:9092" ; "path|host:port"
db-name "Sample"]
(def db {:classname "org.h2.Driver" ; must be in classpath
:subprotocol "h2"
:subname (str "jdbc:h2:" db-protocol "://" db-host "/" db-name)
; Any additional keys are passed to the driver
; as driver-specific properties.
:user "sa"
:password ""}))
; specify the path to your database driver
(add-classpath "file:///c:/Installation/h2/bin/h2.jar")
;; Here is an example of creating a symbol in the
;; existing namespace as an alias to a namespace
;(require '[ :as sql])
;(sql/with-connection db
; (sql/with-query-results rs ["select * from customer"]
; (dorun (map #(println (:lastname %)) rs))))
The MySQL connector is fairly straightforward to set up. The classname and subprotocol are set to the values for MySQL. The db-port is set to 3306, as this is the default port for MySQL.
(use '
(let [db-host "localhost"
db-port 3306
db-name "a_database"]
(def db {:classname "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" ; must be in classpath
:subprotocol "mysql"
:subname (str "//" db-host ":" db-port "/" db-name)
; Any additional keys are passed to the driver
; as driver-specific properties.
:user "a_user"
:password "secret"}))
The PostgreSQL connection is virtually the same as the MySQL version. The classname and subprotocol attributes are set for their appropriate PostgreSQL values. db-port is set to 5432, as this is the default PostgreSQL port.
(use '
(let [db-host "localhost"
db-port 5432
db-name "a_database"]
(def db {:classname "org.postgresql.Driver" ; must be in classpath
:subprotocol "postgresql"
:subname (str "//" db-host ":" db-port "/" db-name)
; Any additional keys are passed to the driver
; as driver-specific properties.
:user "a_user"
:password "secret"}))
The Oracle connector is fairly straightforward to set up. The classname and subprotocol are set to the values for Oracle. The db-port is set to 1521, as this is the default port for Oracle XE.
(use '
(def db {:classname "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" ; must be in classpath
:subprotocol "oracle"
:subname "thin:@" ; If that does not work try: thin:@
:user "user"
:password "pwd"})
(use '
(def db { :classname "virtuoso.jdbc.Driver"
:subprotocol "virtuoso"
:subname "//localhost:1111"
:user "dba" :password "dba" })
DataSource - Oracle
Here's an example of pooled db connections using the c3p0 library on top of oracle. Make sure c3p0 jars and oracle driver jar is in the classpath.
(ns example
(:import javax.sql.DataSource
(def db {:datasource (DataSources/pooledDataSource
(DataSources/unpooledDataSource "jdbc:oracle:thin:USER/PASS@HOST_IP:PORT:SCHEMA"))})
DataSource - PostgreSQL
Example of pooled db connection using PostgreSQL's PGPoolingDataSource class. Note that this is not recommended for production. Use c3p0 or similar instead.
(ns example
(:import javax.sql.DataSource
org.postgresql.ds PGPoolingDataSource))
(let [db-host "localhost"
db-name "example"
db-user "username"
db-pass "notTelling"]
(def db {:datasource (doto (new PGPoolingDataSource)
(.setServerName db-host)
(.setDatabaseName db-name)
(.setUser db-user)
(.setPassword db-pass)
(.setMaxConnections 3))}))
DataSource - JNDI
Application servers typically bind data sources into JNDI:
(ns example
(def db {:name "jdbc/TestDS"})
DDL Examples
In the following examples we'll call the database connection db. These examples have been tested with MySQL, Postgres would use "SERIAL" rather than "AUTO_INCREMENT".
Creating a Table
We'll start by creating a table called blogs. This table has three columns.
- id (Primary Key)
- title
- body
Adding a timestamp column to show off more DDL.
(defn create-blogs
"Create a table to store blog entries"
[:title "varchar(255)"]
[:body :clob]
[:created_at :timestamp "NOT NULL" "DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"]))
(defn create-blogs
"Create a table to store blog entries"
[:title "varchar(255)"]
[:body :text]))
This method will create a method create-blogs that creates a table when called. You can invoke the method as follows
Create a method to create a table named categories. This table has the following columns
- id (Primary Key)
- name
Dropping a Table
Below is a method to drop a table.
(defn drop-blogs
"Drop the blogs table"
( :blogs)
(catch Exception _)))
To invoke the method call it like this:
Create a method to drop the table named categories.
Dropping All Object Using do-commands
(defn drop-all-objects
(do-commands "drop all objects;"))
Adding Columns
Removing Columns
DML Examples
Okay, we've got a schema. Bring on the CRUD!
(with-connection db
(with-query-results rs ["select * from blogs"]
; rs will be a sequence of maps,
; one for each record in the result set.
(dorun (map #(println (:title %)) rs))))
To retrieve the CLOB column with Derby, you can convert the returned object to a String, and you must be inside of a transaction to do that.
(defn declob [clob]
"Turn a Derby EmbedClob into a String"
(with-open [rdr ( (.getCharacterStream clob))]
(apply str (line-seq rdr))))
(with-connection db
(with-query-results rs ["select * from blogs"]
; rs will be a sequence of maps,
; one for each record in the result set.
(doseq [row rs] (println (declob (:body row)))))))
This function inserts an entry into the blog table.
(defn insert-blog-entry
"Insert data into the table"
[:title :body]
[title body]))
And invoking the function
(insert-blog-entry "Hello World" "Life is awesome in the lisp world.") ))
Here's an example updating a blog entry.
(defn update-blog
"This method updates a blog entry"
[id attribute-map]
["id=?" id]
Let's update the first blog entry.
(with-connection db
(update-blog 1 {:title "Awesome Title"})))
; the first line allows us to say sql/with-connection instead of
(require '[ :as sql])
(defn delete-blog
"Deletes a blog entry given the id"
(sql/with-connection db
(sql/delete-rows :blogs ["id=?" id])))
Oracle and HSQLDB
Please read
The order collection must always contain a unique ordering value.
(defn as-str [& s] (apply str s))
(defn create-query-paging [{:keys [tbl properties order predicate from max] :or {max 100} }]
"Creates a SQL query using paging and ROWNUM()"
(str "SELECT * from (select " (clojure.string/join "," (map #(str "a." %) properties))
", ROWNUM() rnum from (select " (clojure.string/join "/" properties)
" from " tbl
" order by " (clojure.string/join "," order) " ) a "
" WHERE ROWNUM() <= " max
") WHERE " (if-not predicate "" (str predicate " and ")) " rnum >= " from))
(create-query-paging {:tbl "mytable" :properties ["*"] :order ["id", "ts"] :from 10 :max 20} )
;"SELECT * from (select a.*, ROWNUM() rnum from (select * from mytable order by id,ts ) a WHERE ROWNUM() <= 20) WHERE rnum >= 10"