Citizen Science is the study of science (whether that be geology, biology, chemistry, or any other field of study), outside of normal patterns, credentials, and institutions. This term more generally is used to describe people conducting scientific research outside of conventional research organizations. Citizen science is also used to describe public participation in various kinds of science research.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Communicating Citizen Science
- Research Project Index
- List of Data Sources
- Resources
- Funding
About this Book
At Science Hack Day San Francisco 2013, some of us remarked that many people who do citizen science have trouble disseminating their work to peers and the general populace. Citizen scientists often find that conventional science journals are inconvenient places to publish their work; journals can have undesirable licensing, they can be slow to publish, and they can be expensive. There are many other places where people may choose to disseminate their discoveries, but many people are not aware of these places. This is why we are writing this book about how to communicate to the external world the discoveries and experiments conducted by citizen scientists.
We consider it imperative that scientific research, of all kinds, be easily accessible by professionals and laymen alike. As well, that there be some sort of portal for these people to communicate their ideas to one another. Scientific research and inquiry no longer must be limited to the privileged few, but can be made freely available and accessible to most people.
While the book started at Science Hack Day San Francisco 2013, if is an ongoing process. Add to it, keep it updated, take it for yours.