Particular/Steady State solution
Inductor short, cap open, Vs = 5 μ(t),find ir
Homogeneous/Transient Solution
Loop equation:
Differential equation that needs to be solved:
Substitute to check if possible:
So the answer is going to be second order, thus guess was wrong, but can guess more accurately now by computing roots of the above second order equation:
Both roots are negative and equal, so the new guess is:
Checking again by plugging into s2 + 2s + 1 = 0:
Yes it equals zero now! So can go on. Have to add a constant to the differential equation solution so Vcr is:
Without Initial Conditions .. Finding the Constants
Have initial conditions: VCR(0+) = 0 since initially cap is a short and impedance times the derivative of the inductor current it(0+) = 5. Turning this into an equation:
The final voltage across the parallel RC combination is going to be 5 volts (after a very long time) because the capacitor opens and the inductor shorts.
This is the matlab code that computes the limit:
syms A B C1 t f = A*exp(-t) + B*t*exp(-t) + C1; limit(f,t,inf)
Only B is unknown now:
The initial voltage across the inductor is going to be 5 volts. But this does not lead to the value of B. Another initial condition is that the initial current through the capacitor (even though it is initially a short) is zero because the inductor is initially an open. This leads to B:
Now VCR is:
Which means that ir is:
Without C_1 constant
Trying to do this problem without the C_1 constant ends in something like this:
Which has no solution. Or it can lead to 5=5 where the constant disappears from the equation without finding a number for it. Or it can lead to A or B equaling infinity. Any of these non-answers means a mistake was made somewhere.