< Changing Your MAC Address

Under Windows XP, the MAC address can be changed in the Ethernet adapter's Properties menu, in the Advanced tab, as "MAC Address", "Locally Administered Address", "Ethernet Address", "Physical Address" or "Network Address". The exact name depends on the Ethernet driver used; not all drivers support changing the MAC address in this way.

However, a better solution - requiring Administrative User Rights - is to pass over the System Registry Keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}. Here settings for each network interface can be found. The contents of the string value called 'NetworkAddress' will be used to set the MAC address of the adapter when next it is enabled. Resetting the adapter can be accomplished in script with the freely available command line utility devcon from Microsoft, or from the adapters context menu in the Network Connections control panel applet.

You can spoof the MAC address very easily, on Windows 7 for wireless adapters or with this programs, Macshift v1.1 (Open source, licensed under the GPL), Technitium MAC Address Changer (Freeware), MAC Address Changer for Windows XP/2003 (Open source, licensed under CDDL) or Cellartop's MAC Address Changer (freeware). All you have to do is click a few buttons. During this operation, you can select a different manufacturer or generate a completely random MAC address.

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