< C++ Programming

Table of operators

Operators in the same group have the same precedence and the order of evaluation is decided by the associativity (left-to-right or right-to-left). Operators in a preceding group have higher precedence than those in a subsequent group.

OperatorsDescriptionExample UsageAssociativity
Scope Resolution Operator
::unary scope resolution operator
for globals
::binary scope resolution operator
for class and namespace members

Function Call, Member Access, Post-Increment/Decrement Operators, RTTI and C++ Casts Left to right
()function call operatorswap (x, y)
[]array index operatorarr [i]
.member access operator
for an object of class/union type
or a reference to it
->member access operator
for a pointer to an object of
class/union type
++ --post-increment/decrement operatorsnum++
typeid()run time type identification operator
for an object or type
typeid (std::cout)
typeid (std::iostream)
C++ style cast operators
for compile-time type conversion
See Type Casting for more info
static_cast<float> (i)
dynamic_cast<std::istream> (stream)
const_cast<char*> ("Hello, World!")
reinterpret_cast<const long*> ("C++")
type()functional cast operator
(static_cast is preferred
for conversion to a primitive type)
float (i)
also used as a constructor call
for creating a temporary object, esp.
of a class type
std::string ("Hello, world!", 0, 5)

Unary Operators Right to left
!, notlogical not operator!eof_reached
~, complbitwise not operator~mask
+ -unary plus/minus operators-num
++ --pre-increment/decrement operators++num
&, bitandaddress-of operator&data
*indirection operator*ptr
new operators
for single objects or arrays
new std::string (5, '*')
new int [100]
new (raw_mem) int
new (arg1, arg2) int [100]
delete operator
for pointers to single objects or arrays
delete ptr
delete[] arr
sizeof operator
for expressions or types
sizeof 123
sizeof (int)
(type)C-style cast operator (deprecated)(float)i

Member Pointer Operators Right to left
.*member pointer access operator
for an object of class/union type
or a reference to it
->*member pointer access operator
for a pointer to an object of
class/union type

Multiplicative Operators Left to right
* / %multiplication, division and
modulus operators
celsius_diff * 9 / 5

Additive Operators Left to right
+ -addition and subtraction operatorsend - start + 1

Bitwise Shift Operators Left to right
left and right shift operatorsbits << shift_len
bits >> shift_len

Relational Inequality Operators Left to right
< > <= >=less-than, greater-than, less-than or
equal-to, greater-than or equal-to
i < num_elements

Relational Equality Operators Left to right
== !=, not_eqequal-to, not-equal-tochoice != 'n'

Bitwise And Operator Left to right
&, bitandbits & clear_mask_complement

Bitwise Xor Operator Left to right
^, xorbits ^ invert_mask

Bitwise Or Operator Left to right
|, bitorbits | set_mask

Logical And Operator Left to right
&&, andarr != 0 && arr->len != 0

Logical Or Operator Left to right
||, orarr == 0 || arr->len == 0

Conditional Operator Right to left
?:size >= 0 ? size : 0

Assignment Operators Right to left
=assignment operatori = 0
+= -= *= /= %=
&=, and_eq
|=, or_eq
^=, xor_eq <<= >>=
shorthand assignment operators
(foo op= bar represents
foo = foo op bar)
num /= 10

throwthrow "Array index out of bounds"

Comma Operator Left to right
,i = 0, j = i + 1, k = 0
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