< C++ Programming

About the book


This book covers the C++ programming language, its interactions with software design and real life use of the language. It is presented as an introductory to advance course but can be used as a reference book.

If you are familiar with programming in other languages you may just skim the Getting Started Chapter. You should not skip the Programming Paradigms Section, because C++ does have some particulars that should be useful even if you already know another Object Oriented Programming language.

The Language Comparisons Section provides comparisons for some language(s) you may already know, which may be useful for veteran programmers.

If this is your first contact with programming then read the book from the beginning. Bear in mind that the Programming Paradigms section can be hard to digest if you lack some experience. Do not despair, the relevant points will be extended as other concepts are introduced. That section is provided so to give you a mental framework, not only to understand C++, but to let you easily adapt to (and from) other languages that may share concepts.

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It is organized into different parts, but as this is a work that is always evolving, things may be missing or just not where they should be, you are free to become a writer and contribute to fix things up...

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The following people are authors to this book:

Panic, Thenub314

You can verify who has contributed to this book by examining the history logs at Wikibooks (http://en.wikibooks.org/).

Acknowledgment is given for using some contents from other works like Wikipedia, the wikibooks Java Programming and C Programming and the C++ Reference, as from the authors Scott Wheeler, Stephen Ferg and Ivor Horton.

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