< Business Analysis Guidebook

Building a Business Case OUTLINE

Developing a Solid Business Case

Identify and Quantify a Problem

  • Define the business need
  • Define the project parameters
  • Determine if there is a viable solution
  • What are the merits of the problem
  • Would the project be consistent with the agency’s mission and strategic plan
  • Present the problem and proposed solution in a context that allows management to use consistent criteria to compare all project proposals

Identify a Sponsor for the Project

Parts of the Business Case

Reason Why the Project is Necessary

  • Define the project parameters
  • Describe the As-Is
  • State the problem
  • Tell a story, make it interesting, build a persuasive case,
i. clear
ii. concise
iii. factual – include all facts
iv. objective
v. minimal use of jargon and conjecture
  • Create a picture of the end state
i. Show the value, financial justification
  • High-level view of the proposed project that will allow all affected units in the organization to understand the purpose and be knowledgeable about the project
  • Possible future state: How will the business function with and without the proposed solution
  • Interview as many people as necessary to understand the big picture and desired outcome


  • Develop a potential solution
  • Described other possible solutions, and why they were rejected

Benefits of Doing the Project

  • Link issues to solutions and benefits
  • Improves customer satisfaction?

Explain how that will happen, what the effects will be on the business


  • Money
  • Personnel


Cost-Benefit Analysis

  • Value for money,
  • return on investment
  • show cost/benefit over a defined period of time
  • will the proposed solution impact other units or processes (+ or -)


  • Identify risks to project success

Evaluate the Proposal

  • Why is the project necessary
  • What are the top benefits
  • Why is your proposed project the best way to attain the desired results
Any previous projects to solve similar problems?
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